Insurance for Associations & Nonprofit Organizations

Four Examples of Why Associations Need Professional Liability Insurance

Associations and Nonprofits Face an Array of Risks

Associations and nonprofit organizations face a broad array of risks. No matter the precautions taken, risk is inherent in everyday management decisions and business relationships. And unexpected and costly lawsuits are brought by employees, donors, clients, suppliers, competitors, creditors and government agencies. The Hartford offers coverages at a price that helps meet budgetary concerns.
Four Examples of Why Associations Need Professional Liability Insurance

Recommended Coverage for Associations and Nonprofit Businesses

Helps protect the property an association owns and leases, including things like equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. Associations and nonprofits can tailor coverage to fit the specific needs of their unique organizations.
This can include coverage if:
  • The association is unable to process electronic data.
  • The association loses income because utility services are interrupted.
  • The association is unable to complete member transactions because transmission lines are damaged.
Our General Liability Choice® policy from The Hartford covers property damage, including damage to rented properties, and accidents related to managing an association. This policy can also help protect the assets of an association if it is sued for negligence, personal injury, libel, slander, errors, omissions, misrepresentation in advertising, and more. The policy automatically covers employees, subject to the policy definitions and can easily be extended to cover others when needed.
Through a unique relationship with Affinity Nonprofits1, we offer management liability protection to a range of nonprofit organizations. Our offering includes:
  • Directors, Officers and Entity Liability Coverage (D&O) – helps protect the organization, their directors, officers and certain others against loss that arises out of the day-to-day operations and management of the company.
  • Employment Practices Liability Coverage (EPL) – helps protect the organization from damages and defense costs that arise out of employment-related disputes, including but not limited to alleged discrimination, sexual harassment, violation of the Family and Medical Leave Act, refusal to hire and wrongful termination or discipline.
  • Fiduciary Coverage – helps cover employee claims related to the design, administration and maintenance of company-sponsored retirement, health, and other employee benefit plans.
  • Crime Coverage – helps protect the organization against loss from employee theft, computer fraud, and other similar crimes.
  • Kidnap & Ransom Coverage (K&R) – helps protect against financial losses due to kidnap and ransom/extortion, both in the U.S. and abroad.
1 Affinity Nonprofits is not an affiliate of The Hartford.
The Hartford’s end-to-end cybersecurity solutions help protect associations and nonprofit organizations from a broad range of potentially severe third-party liability and first party risks associated with data privacy and network security breaches, including hacking, malicious software, activities of rogue employees, hardware theft, employee error and more.

Additional Solutions for Associations and Nonprofit Businesses

The Hartford is a leading provider of Workers’ Compensation Insurance. XactPAY® offers pay-as-you-go workers’ compensation premium payments based on actual monthly payroll figures to help associations and nonprofits better manage cash flow fluctuations and minimize audit adjustments. Best of all, this is offered at no extra cost.
Helps cover the vehicles that an association owns, leases, rents or borrows. At no additional cost, commercial auto insurance helps cover electronic equipment in vehicles, lease and loan gaps, and provides a wide range of specialized services designed to help associations improve their drivers’ safety.
The Hartford offers U.S. domiciled companies a spectrum of coverage that goes far and wide. Whether you need to cover employees traveling abroad or a whole overseas enterprise, The Hartford can offer the right package of protection with options ranging from The Hartford Passport Package to The Hartford’s Controlled Master Policy (CMP) with local multinational policies – in one coordinated insurance program.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.