Gain Extra Protection for Jewelry With Valuable Items Insurance
Most standard
seguro de viviendas policies offer limited coverage for jewelry or other valuable items. In fact, many of these policies only pay for theft on jewelry up to a $1,500 limit and silverware up to a $2,500 limit.
However, you can get the extra coverage you need with Valuable Items Blanket Coverage from the AARP
® Home Insurance Program from The Hartford.
1 This coverage can increase your insurance limit to $10,000 for each of your valuable items. It’ll also extend coverage to your lost or damaged belongings.
Valuable items blanket coverage can help protect your valuables, like:
- Joyas
- Furs
- Silverware
- China
- Crystal
What Does Valuable Items Insurance Cover?
Your valuable items blanket coverage can help replace possessions in the event that they’re stolen, lost or damaged in a covered loss. It’ll help give you extra protection for items like:
- Engagement and wedding rings
- Fine art
- Cameras
- Computers
- Firearms
- Musical instruments
Is It Worth It to Get Valuable Items Insurance
Valuable items blanket coverage not only gives you extra protection, but you also won’t have to pay a deductible if you experience a covered loss. So, if your diamond ring falls into your garbage disposal, this coverage can help repair or replace your ring.**
For any items you have that are worth more than $10,000, you can get other endorsements to fully protect them.
Common Questions About Jewelry & Valuable Items Coverage
How Do You Insure Valuable Items?
To insure your important items, follow these steps:
- Review your insurance policies: Before you buy more insurance protection for your valuable items, you’ll want to review your home policy’s terms, conditions and limits.
- Determine the value of your belongings: You’ll need to give an accurate description of your item and know the dollar amount of its value. For items worth over $10,000, you’ll need to provide an appraisal.
- Look at the value of your electronics: For instance, if you have expensive computers, you’ll want to make sure they’re protected.
- Discuss your coverages with your insurance agent: Once you know what you want to protect and how much it’s worth, it can help you select the right amount of protection.
Is My Jewelry Covered Under Homeowners Insurance?
Each piece of jewelry has a different value. And most homeowners insurance policies only cover jewelry up to $1,500 for loss by theft. This means if your jewelry is worth more than that and is lost or stolen, you’ll need more insurance protection with coverage like our valuable items blanket coverage. When you have this insurance, you’ll want to make sure you report any losses as quickly as possible.
You can learn more about coverage limits by calling our representatives at
Get a Quote for Valuable Items Blanket Coverage From The Hartford
Our representatives can help you learn more about valuable items blanket coverage and our other home policies, like:
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