Seguro de viviendas en Maine

Get Homeowners Insurance in Maine

Maine homeowners insuranceMaine is known for its picturesque views – from its rocky coastline to its unique lighthouses lining the shore. If you live in Maine, you appreciate the warm months knowing how rough winter can be because as pretty as the Pine Tree State is, the weather can be brutal. Winters are known for extreme seasonal conditions. In fact, a National Climate Assessment says the Northeast sees more frequent or intense storms and more precipitation in the winter.These weather events and other risks, like fires or theft, can result in damages to your home.
That’s why it’s important to protect your house and personal property with seguro de viviendas in Maine. It doesn’t matter if you live in Portland, Bangor, Augusta, Bar Harbor, Lewiston or anywhere else in the state, Maine home insurance through the AARP® Homeowners Insurance Program from The Hartford1 can help protect your home from significant financial loss.

Why Homeowners Insurance in Maine Is Important

Maine residents don’t typically see many natural disasters. However, East Coast storms can pose serious risks to your home. For example, hail, snow and freezing temperatures can damage your home’s structure or plumbing system. Without Maine homeowners insurance, you’d have to pay for these costly repairs out of pocket.

How Much Is Homeowners Insurance in Maine?

Home insurance companies look at different factors when determining your homeowners insurance premium, such as your:
  • Home size
  • Your home's location
  • Claims history
Homeowners insurance in MaineCertain policy details, like whether you have replacement cost coverage, can also affect the price of your policy. Because every Maine homeowner has different needs, it’s unlikely that you and your neighbor will have the same homeowner insurance premiums.
Maine home insurance policies come with standard coverages:
Personal property to help protect your belongings if they get stolen or damaged. For example, if someone breaks into your home and steals your TV, this coverage can help cover the cost to replace it.
Dwelling, which helps protect your home and the structures attached to it. This includes garages, walls and electrical systems. For example, if a fire damages the first floor of your home, this coverage can help cover your repair costs.
Personal liability helps protect you from claims alleging that you’re responsible for someone’s bodily injury or property damage. For example, if your neighbor slips on a patch of ice on your sidewalk, injures their back and they then file a claim against you, this coverage can help.
Loss of use helps cover your living expenses if you can’t stay in your home due to a covered loss. So, if a tree falls on your roof and causes significant damage to its structure, this coverage can help cover your hotel fees while your home is repaired.
Medical payments helps pay treatment costs if someone gets injured on your property. So, if your neighbor trips over an extension cord in your home and sprains their ankle, this coverage can help pay their medical bills.3
Be sure you’re aware of your home insurance policy’s coverage limits. If you’re trying to figure out how much coverage to get, a good rule of thumb is to have enough that you can cover the costs to rebuild your home if it’s a total loss. Don’t forget the higher your coverage limits, the more it can impact your policy cost.

Additional Homeowners Insurance Coverages

Maine’s wet and cold seasons can cause flooding. However, your Maine homeowners insurance policy doesn’t cover against flood damage, so you may want to get a separate flood insurance policy to help cover these types of claims.
The AARP Homeowners Insurance Program from The Hartford offers additional coverages to increase your home’s protection, including:
Identity fraud expense coverage, which reimburses you for out-of-pocket expenses up to certain limits (see your policy for limits) to help you recover from identity theft or fraud.
Enhanced personal injury liability coverage to help cover damages from libel or slander claims.
“New for Old” Protection,‡‡ which helps replace your destroyed possessions with new ones of the same quality.
Reimbursement for replacing locks if you lose your keys or they’re stolen.
Homeowners equipment breakdown coverage to help cover mechanical or electrical breakdowns of your home’s appliances.  Equipment breakdown coverage also provides coverage if you want to make “green” upgrades. Paga hasta el 125 por ciento del costo por reemplazar cualquier equipo asegurado por artículos similares pero de menor consumo o más ecológicos.  Keep in mind this does not cover normal wear and tear.
Disappearing Property Deductible, which reduces your deductible every year, when you go three consecutive years without an insurance loss.

Homeowners Insurance Rates in Maine

Your home insurance rate may be lower or higher than the state or national average because the total amount depends on which coverages you add to your policy. Take a look at the chart below to see how average home insurance rates in Maine have changed through the years, according to the Insurance Information Institute.4
Año Maine Average Homeowners Insurance Cost National Average Homeowners Insurance Cost
2019 $936 $1,272
2018 $905 $1,249
2017 $882 $1,211

Homeowners Insurance Discounts in Maine

You can get a bundling discount to save money on your auto and homeowners insurance policies in Maine. If you bundle both policies with The Hartford, you can save up to 12% on auto insurance or up to 20% on your homeowners insurance.** Our customers save an average of $813 a year after bundling their auto and home coverage.**

Maine Homeowners Insurance From The Hartford

A home insurance policy is an important piece in helping protect your investment. You can get a Maine homeowners insurance policy from private insurance companies, like The Hartford. You may want to have an idea of what coverages you’ll want and how much you need.
Just remember that not every homeowners insurance company is the same. That’s why it’s important to get different homeowners insurance quotes and compare each one. Doing so can help you save money. At The Hartford, we’re the only insurance company endorsed by AARP. We offer discounts to get you the best rates possible and our specialists can help you find out what you qualify for. Whether you bundle your home or renters insurance with your auto insurance, or install protective devices in your home, there are many ways to help reduce your insurance premium.
Call us today at 800-624-5578 to get started. Our team strives to provide the best customer service and they’re here to help when the unexpected happens. Use our  cotización de seguro de viviendas tool or find your nearest local agents to get the coverage you need.
Última actualización: 2 de abril de 2024
2 U.S. Global Change Research Program, “Fourth National Climate Assessment”
 3 Los gastos médicos se calculan en base a cargos usuales, habituales y razonables.
4 Insurance Information Institute (III), “Facts + Statistics: Homeowners and renters insurance”
** Los montos de ahorro promedio se basan en información comunicada por los clientes que se cambiaron a The Hartford desde otras compañías entre 9/1/22 y 8/31/23. Su ahorro puede variar. El ahorro promedio en el seguro para automóviles es de $577 y el ahorro promedio en el seguro de viviendas es de $236. Las diferencias de tarifas entre los afiliados y los no afiliados de AARP varían según el estado y la antigüedad de los afiliados de AARP. El descuento para auto y vivienda está disponible solo para asegurados que tengan tanto su seguro para auto y vivienda (o condominios y arrendatarios) por medio de los programas de seguros para autos y de viviendas AARP de The Hartford. .The Hartford no suscribe nuevos negocios en todas las áreas, incluidos los estados de CA y FL.
§ La disponibilidad del beneficio RecoverCare y los niveles del beneficio varían según el estado. The Hartford RecoverCare Advantage® es una marca registrada de The Hartford.
§§ Se aplican términos y condiciones.
Se aplican términos y condiciones. La exención por accidente y la desaparición progresiva del deducible no están disponibles para asegurados de California.
‡‡ Se aplican términos y condiciones. La disponibilidad varía según el estado.
‡‡‡ Con base a un auto y conductor; la tarifa/prima/ahorros individuales variarán según las selecciones de cobertura reales y las características de los vehículos/conductores.
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
Los resúmenes de las coberturas y las características de las pólizas son únicamente para fines informativos. En caso de que se produzca una pérdida, los términos y condiciones reales establecidos en su póliza determinarán su cobertura.
AARP y sus afiliadas no son aseguradoras. Endoso pagado. The Hartford paga regalías a AARP por el uso de su propiedad intelectual. Estos cargos se utilizan para los fines generales de AARP. En la mayoría de los estados, es necesario ser miembro de AARP para ser elegible para participar en el Programa.
El programa de seguros para automóviles de AARP de The Hartford está respaldado por Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Está avalado en AZ, MI y MN por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast; en CA por Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company; en WA por Hartford Casualty Insurance Company; en MA por Trumbull Insurance Company; y en PA por Nutmeg Insurance Company y Twin City Fire Insurance Company. El programa de seguros para viviendas de AARP de he Hartford está respaldado por Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Está subscrito en AZ, MI y MN por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast; en CA por Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartford; en WA por Trumbull Insurance Company; en MA por Trumbull Insurance Company, Sentinel Insurance Company, Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest, y Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company; y en PA por Nutmeg Insurance Company. El producto para viviendas no está disponible en todas las áreas, entre las que se incluye el estado de Florida. Los ahorros, los beneficios y las coberturas disponibles pueden variar y es posible que algunos solicitantes no sean elegibles. El programa no está actualmente disponible en Canadá, ni en los territorios o posesiones de Estados Unidos.
1 En Texas, el programa para automóviles está respaldado por Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company a través de Hartford of the Southeast General Agency, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados no son responsables financieramente por los productos de seguros suscritos y emitidos por Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company. El programa para viviendas está respaldado por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.