Be sure to get your claim number from the specialist you talk to. This number identifies your specific claim and will need to be included on information you send in. During the claim filing process, you will also want to get the contact name and phone number for your insurance claims adjuster in case you have additional questions or need more information.
Servicios adicionales para el seguro para propietarios de viviendas
Getting your property back to pre-loss condition involves more than just writing a check. At The Hartford, we understand that finding the right resources to complete the repairs takes time and research. This is why we support our customers through the entire process, offering additional services that help you get your life back on track after making a homeowners insurance claim.
Acceso a contratistas domésticos confiables
Finding a great contractor to do home repairs is difficult. That’s why we offer Contractor Connection, a growing network of contractors who will:
- Respond within one business day of being assigned to a loss
- Inspect the job within two business days of contacting you
- Work with our adjusters to evaluate the damage
- Guarantee their workmanship for three years
Contractor Connection is just another way The Hartford has your back during tough times.
Ayuda para tasar su propiedad
Your home is made up of more than just walls and a roof. Your belongings and possessions are important, too. This is why our homeowners policy at The Hartford covers both.
After you suffer a loss, it can be difficult to determine the value of your property, especially if you have to go through damaged items. Sometimes, the damages can make determining the value of your possessions seem impossible. To help in this process, our team of specialists determines the value of your property.
Asistente de inventario para reclamación de viviendas
After a severe property loss, creating an inventory of everything you’ve lost can be a challenge. Determining what is salvageable and what is destroyed can be difficult. If the loss is severe enough, we may send an expert team to create an inventory of everything that’s been lost. We also have partners that can:
- Clean your possessions
- Research your items
- Determine the appropriate replacement cost
Emergency Services
For many damage claims, clean up needs to occur prior to any repairs being made. If a pipe bursts leaving water in your home, or a tree is blown down causing a hole in your roof, The Hartford offers emergency services to help prevent further damages.