Seguro para segunda vivienda

Homeowners Insurance for a Second Home

Vacant Home InsuranceWhether you use it regularly or seasonally, having a homeowners insurance policy for your second home is just as important as your primary home policy.
The protection you get with a homeowners insurance policy for your second home is essential. Standard seguro de viviendas policies for second homes can help protect from damages caused by a variety of events, such as fire, lightning and wind. At The Hartford, we’re here to help if your second home is damaged by a covered event, offering homeowners insurance that can help with the rebuilding costs.
The homeowners insurance for your second home also gives you personal liability coverage. This helps cover the cost of a lawsuit if someone who doesn’t live in your home is injured on your property and you’re found responsible.

Factors That Affect Secondary Home Insurance

Vacation Home InsuranceA secondary homeowners insurance policy is essential, but it’s important to know you may also need additional coverages depending on a few factors. Your second home most likely isn’t used the same as your primary home. It may be vulnerable to different risks, which can affect your secondary homeowners insurance.
Some factors that can affect your secondary homeowners insurance policy include:
  • Replacement Cost: Just like with your primary home policy, if your second home costs more to replace, it will affect your secondary homeowners insurance.
  • Vacancies: If your second home is empty for an extended period, it can be more vulnerable to damage.
  • Location: Your insurance rate may be higher if your second home is far from emergency services.
  • Rentals: If you’re going to offer your second home as a rental, you’ll most likely need additional coverage, like landlord insurance.

Increasing Protection for Your Second Home Insurance Policy

Second homeowners insurance policies can come with limited coverage. Adding coverages to your policy can increase your protection. If you’re looking to keep your second home well protected, consider adding:
  • Cobertura de propiedad personal: This helps protect your belongings, such as furniture, clothing and appliances. It is standard on a homeowners insurance policy, but you can customize it to make sure all of your belongings are protected.
  • Responsabilidad Personal: If you’re found responsible for an injury to someone on your property who doesn’t live in either of your homes, this can help cover medical or court costs.
  • Seguro contra inundaciones: Regular homeowners insurance policies won’t protect your home from floods. And if your second home is near a body of water, it could have a higher risk of flood or water damage.
  • Full Replacement Cost: This additional coverage helps by paying the full cost to rebuild your home if it is a total loss up to 125% of your coverage limits. You may be able to receive up to 150%, depending on where you live.
Actual cash value vs replacement cost home insurance

Do You Know Your Home's Market Value vs. Its Replacement Cost?

Your home's market value and replacement cost are two different amounts.

insurance for house being renovated home insurance during renovations home insurance renovation work home insurance replacement cost homeowners insurance replacement cost
Your home's market value is what a buyer is willing to pay for your house and land in its current condition. It's influenced by:
  • Your location, like being near water or on an elevation with views
  • The quality of the local school systems
  • Your proximity to police, fire and medical facilities
  • If you're near stores, restaurants and entertainment
  • The status of your area's housing market
  • Extra structures on your property like a shed or pool
Your home's replacement cost is the amount it would take to rebuild your home with materials of similar kind and quality on your existing property, including:
  • The items needed to rebuild walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, roof, etc.
  • The labor to rebuild or repair your home
  • Clean-up costs and debris removal

Cómo Podemos Ayudar

Once we determine an accurate replacement cost for your home, we verify that amount throughout the life of your policy, so your coverage is always up-to-date.
We also offer optional additional limits coverage that pays up to either 125% or 150% of your dwelling coverage limits in the event that you have extra rebuilding costs.
To learn more:
Making simple changes to your second home can also help you save on your secondary homeowners insurance premium. Keep your home more secure and help reduce your payments by installing:

Get Second Home Insurance Coverage From The Hartford

Seguro para segunda viviendaBundling your insurance policies with The Hartford can help you save money. You can combine your primary and secondary homeowners insurance policies to get great coverage at an affordable rate. If you bundle your auto coverage too, you can save up to 5% on auto insurance and 20% on home insurance.**
Whether you’re using your second home as a personal getaway or planning to rent it out, we can help make sure you have the right coverage. And if you’re looking to lease out your property, just remember it can impact your homeowners insurance policy. We can help make sure you understand it all.
Find an agent or speak with one of our specialists to get your questions answered and see how much you can save. We’re here to help. Call us at 800-624-5578 or get a fast and easy insurance cita for your second home online.
Última actualización: 28 de agosto de 2024
** El descuento para auto y vivienda está disponible solo para asegurados que tengan tanto su seguro para auto y vivienda (o condominios y arrendatarios) por medio de los programas de seguros para autos y viviendas AARP de The Hartford.
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
Los resúmenes de las coberturas y las características de las pólizas son únicamente para fines informativos. En caso de que se produzca una pérdida, los términos y condiciones reales establecidos en su póliza determinarán su cobertura.
AARP y sus afiliadas no son aseguradoras. Endoso pagado. The Hartford paga regalías a AARP por el uso de su propiedad intelectual. Estos cargos se utilizan para los fines generales de AARP. En la mayoría de los estados, es necesario ser miembro de AARP para ser elegible para participar en el Programa.
El programa de seguros para automóviles de AARP de The Hartford está respaldado por Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Está avalado en AZ, MI y MN por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast; en CA por Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company; en WA por Hartford Casualty Insurance Company; en MA por Trumbull Insurance Company; y en PA por Nutmeg Insurance Company y Twin City Fire Insurance Company. El programa de seguros para viviendas de AARP de he Hartford está respaldado por Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Está subscrito en AZ, MI y MN por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast; en CA por Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartford; en WA por Trumbull Insurance Company; en MA por Trumbull Insurance Company, Sentinel Insurance Company, Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest, y Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company; y en PA por Nutmeg Insurance Company. El producto para viviendas no está disponible en todas las áreas, entre las que se incluye el estado de Florida. Los ahorros, los beneficios y las coberturas disponibles pueden variar y es posible que algunos solicitantes no sean elegibles. El programa no está actualmente disponible en Canadá, ni en los territorios o posesiones de Estados Unidos.
1 En Texas, el programa para automóviles está respaldado por Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company a través de Hartford of the Southeast General Agency, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados no son responsables financieramente por los productos de seguros suscritos y emitidos por Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company. El programa para viviendas está respaldado por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.