Continuing Education (CE)


Our Programs Aren't Your Typical CE Courses

Programs that are filed for CE not only fill requirements, but actually have an impact on the daily roles of insurance professionals. 

Do I Get CE Credits for Attending a Program?

Hartford School of Insurance has a number of options to help agency professionals satisfy their Insurance Continuing Education (CE) requirements.

Please take the time to thoroughly assess your needs and options prior to proceeding with any of the programs. It is critical that individuals seeking CE fully understand their state requirements prior to registering for a program

CE Requirements
- Complete licensing information (Name, license #, state of license) must be submitted at registration to receive credit.
- CE credits will be awarded on the program as a whole and only given to students who promptly attend every scheduled hour, every day. If any part of the program is missed, CE will be forfeited.
- There will be check-in questions. You must answer all the questions to receive credit.  Failure to answer questions will result in forfeit of CE. Details will be reviewed at the beginning of each session.

CE credit hours are subject to change per insurance department regulations and review.
Questions? Contact (800) 772-0208