Commercial Insurance in London

Commercial Insurance in London

Respected for Expertise & Responsiveness

Our seasoned team focuses on select niches where our specialized expertise and market leadership set us apart.
Commercial Insurance in London
The Hartford’s London Market team stands out in the marketplace for its knowledge of complex business risks and swift but diligent underwriting. The team specializes in marine, energy, construction and engineering insurance, casualty, professional and management liability, political violence and terrorism and related lines worldwide.
We have established enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with brokers around the world thanks to three distinguishing characteristics:
  • Expertise – Our professionals are the heart of our company and its value proposition. We pride ourselves on the intellectual agility of our underwriters and claims professionals, and their proven capacity to anticipate, create and follow through on commitments.
  • Responsiveness – Speed matters when you’re working with technically difficult risks. Our underwriters and claim professionals are experienced and empowered to make decisions – which results in refreshingly rapid responses to brokers.
  • Creativity – We take the time to understand the most complex and unique risks brokers bring our way. We then work with you to fine-tune our product solutions within the bounds of our risk appetite.
  • Our Global Insights Center provides macroeconomic, industry and geopolitical research, to our broker partners and their clients, to help them maximize global opportunities.

London Market Insurance Solutions


Marine and Energy

Protection for companies engaged in the diverse aspects of shipping, trade, transportation, and upstream energy, creating tailored solutions and providing expert claims handling.

Financial Lines

Niche insurance solutions for management and professional liability exposures.

Credit & Political Risk

Providing solutions for financial institutions, private equity firms and multinational corporations to help manage their country and credit risk around the world.

Political Violence and Terrorism

Protecting against the business consequences of political violence and terrorism.


Providing primary and excess liability solutions across a range of industries.

Contacts by Product

Syndicate 1221
Carl Bach, CEO London Market
+44 (0) 7220 6876
Marine and Energy
James Wilkie, Head of Marine and Energy
+44 (0) 7220 3924
Financial Lines
Keith Mather, Head of Financial Lines
+44 (0) 20 7220 3980
Dave Draper, Head of Casualty
+44 (0) 20 7220 3905
Political Violence & Terrorism
James Wilson, Head of Credit & Political Risk
+44 (0) 207 220 6906
Credit & Political Risk 
James Wilson, Head of Credit & Political Risk
+44 (0) 207 220 6906

International Claims

Our claims professionals will help deliver the strongest outcomes on the your unique and complex claims.