International Commercial Insurance

International Commercial Insurance

Capabilities in Key Insurance Hubs

We have a presence in a number of important insurance hubs, including London, the world’s largest hub where we have a Lloyd’s Syndicate.
The Hartford’s global specialty insurance division will work closely with you to provide customized solutions. Our goal is to help protect our clients from the complex and global risks they face.
Our underwriting and claims professionals serve local markets with offices around the world in:

Contacts by Country

Syndicate 1221
Carl Bach, CEO London Market
+44 (0) 7220 6876
Marine and Energy
James Wilkie, Head of Marine and Energy
+44 (0) 7220 3924
Financial Lines
Keith Mather, Head of Financial Lines
+44 (0) 20 7220 3980
Dave Draper, Head of Casualty
+44 (0) 20 7220 3905
Political Violence & Terrorism
James Wilson, Head of Credit & Political Risk
+44 (0) 207 220 6906
Credit & Political Risk 
James Wilson, Head of Credit & Political Risk
+44 (0) 207 220 6906
Hartford Asia Ltd.
Rooms 4701-03, 47/F, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Ethan Tay
Responsible Officer
& Head of Financial Lines, 
Asia Pacific
Ray Hu
Claims Manager, Asia Pacific
Jerald Leung
Senior Underwriter, 
Financial Lines, Asia Pacific
Diddy Wu
Operations Team Leader
Elaine Jin
Director of Underwriting, China

International Claims

Our claims professionals will help deliver the strongest outcomes on the your unique and complex claims.