Political Violence and Terrorism Risk Coverage

Political Violence and Terrorism

Businesses No Longer Need to Be the Target to Be a Victim

As political climates remain in a constant state of flux, they can shift at any given time or moment.
Political Violence and Terrorism
The evolution of geopolitical events has resulted in ongoing instability for businesses across the globe. This can mean significant interruption to business, as well as physical, financial and human loss.
In today’s international landscape, what was previously seen as a ‘nice to have’ additional cover, is now critical for businesses and remains at the fore front of the insurance purchasing list for risk managers. We can offer your clients comprehensive, market-leading global political violence and terrorism coverage, backed by our high rated security1 through either company market or Lloyd’s of London platform.

A Seasoned Protection Partner

Whether it’s a strike or riot, insurrection or sabotage, your clients deserve coverage that addresses these risks. A highly-regarded market leader, The Hartford has the knowledge and expertise to provide certainty in uncertain times with standalone bespoke protection to meet the ever-changing needs of terrorism threats. Our clients have access to:
  • Standard market and bespoke policy wordings
  • Specialized, dedicated underwriters with global capabilities and appetite
  • Cover on a primary, excess or difference in conditions (DIC)/limits basis
We also benefit from having a Country, Credit and Economic Research team who can help your clients and/or stakeholders better understand the geopolitical and economic landscape. They formulate thematic global views on the outlook for macroeconomics, sovereign stress, sectorial risks, political violence, and geopolitics.

Our Appetite

Our clients range from smaller companies with single asset exposure to multinational companies with global exposures. The Hartford is able to offer USD50 million (or equivalent in-local currency) of capacity on any one risk. We will consider coverage on either a primary or an excess basis to best suit your client’s needs.2
  • Construction and Builder’s Risk
  • Real Estate and Offices
  • Educational Assets
  • Financial Institutions
  • Fortune 500 companies
  • Energy – Oil and Gas, Power and Utilities
  • Pharmaceutical and Chemical facilities
  • Aviation and Transport Hubs, Ports and Terminals

Claims Support

Just as critical as the coverage we provide, our dedicated claims team understands the importance of handling claims proactively and with integrity. With extensive experience in dealing with complex property damage and business interruption claims, our claims professionals, located in Shanghai and London, offer support across time zones, with multi-jurisdiction experience but always with local empowerment and a customer-centric focus.

Credit and Political Risk Insurance

The Hartford also offers political risk insurance which covers expropriation, confiscation, nationalization and deprivation, currency inconvertibility amongst other perils. Learn more about The Hartford’s Political Risk at https://www.thehartford.com/cpri.
1 https://ir.thehartford.com/financial-ratings/financial-strength/default.aspx
2 Not an all-inclusive industry list. Contact us for quotes on business outside of these industries.
This document outlines in general terms the coverages that may be afforded under a policy from The Hartford. Todas las pólizas deben examinarse atentamente a fin de determinar si son adecuadas para sus necesidades e identificar cualquier exclusión, limitación y otros términos y condiciones que puedan afectar específicamente la cobertura. En caso de conflicto, regirán los términos y condiciones de la póliza. All coverages described in this document may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. Coverage may not be available in all states or to all businesses. Possession of these materials by a licensed insurance producer does not mean that such producer is an authorized agent of The Hartford. To ascertain such information, please contact your state Department of Insurance or The Hartford at 888-203-3823. All information and representations herein are as of June 2020.
Where cover is underwritten by Hartford Syndicate 1221 at Lloyd’s, Syndicate 1221 is managed by Navigators Underwriting Agency Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with registered no. 01380715, at registered office: Floors 7-8, 6 Bevis Marks, London EC3A 7BA. Navigators Underwriting Agency Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Underwriters at Lloyd’s are licensed in Kentucky, Illinois, and the USVI only. Underwriters are eligible surplus lines insurers in all US jurisdictions. Surplus lines products are available exclusively through surplus lines brokers. While Surplus lines insurers do not participate in state guaranty funds, policyholders of Syndicate 1221 are protected by the Lloyd’s Central Fund.