Creating a Marketing Department

Quick Summary

One sure sign that your company is growing – and growing more sophisticated – is that you can no longer wear the hat of marketing leader. You need a dedicated department to  develop, implement and plan your marketing strategy. In addition, the department will be responsible for coordinating and producing all materials as well as all communications representing the company.

The Role of a Marketing Department

The Marketing Department plays a vital role in promoting the business and mission of an organization. It serves as the face of your company, coordinating and producing all materials representing the business. It is the Marketing Department's job to reach out to prospects, customers, investors and/or the community, while creating an overarching image that represents your company in a positive light.

The Marketing Department Within Your Organization

Marketing Departments often collaborate with other company functions, creating an active give and take relationship between departments.  This relationship will influence where marketing should fit in your company’s organizational structure. That’s a key decision, because it will define how the department coordinates with other present and future company functions, such as Customer Service, Public/Media Relations, Advertising and especially, Sales (with which it will certainly be joined at the hip).

Hiring a Marketing Leader

Your first hire for the department should be its leader and visionary, who will drive your company’s marketing strategy and plans. Baseline qualifications are an extensive marketing background, solid understanding of your business goals, and a vision for how to help achieve those goals. Ideally (and especially if the department will sit under the Sales function), your successful candidate will have experience supporting sales, be familiar with your industry, and know how your company and offerings fit within the industry.
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