Hiring a Marketing Leader

Since the Marketing function is driven by vision, it makes sense that your first hire for the department should be its visionary – that is, a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or Marketing Director. This marketing expert will drive the strategy and plans for the department to implement on behalf of your company.
Baseline qualifications for this individual include an extensive marketing background, a solid understanding of your company’s business goals, and a vision (there’s that word again) for how the department will help the company reach those goals and achieve business growth.
Other criteria to keep in mind when beginning the hiring process for a marketing leader? In the interview process, a qualified candidate should be able to cite experience in:
  • Translating business objectives into real-world strategies and tactics that drive revenue
  • Driving tactical planning and execution of marketing campaigns
  • Collaborating and aligning both strategically and operationally with leaders of other company departments
Ideally (and especially if your Marketing Department will fall under the Sales function), your successful candidate will have experience supporting sales, be familiar with your industry, and know how your company and its offerings fit competitively within the industry.
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