Gene Marks on Defining a Target Audience

Defining a target audience can be a deciding factor in whether a business succeeds or fails. Business expert Gene Marks addresses the steps you need to take to define that audience.

Video Transcript

Defining a target audience for your customers – um, this takes some research and it takes a little bit of hard work and it takes a lot of mistakes. People that are developing a product oftentimes it is not uncommon, when you’re starting up a company and you have a product that you think is going to be an appeal to a certain audience it might not be an appeal to that audience. It might be an appeal to a completely different audience. So the best advice I could give when you’re developing a target audience is, you’re going to start with what your gut tells you. You’re going to do a little test marketing, a little test selling, but you’re going to keep your ears and your eyes open. Because just because some of you might think that somebody might be your customer, might not turn out to be a customer for your in the long term.

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Gene Marks on Defining a Target Audience

Defining a target audience can be a deciding factor in whether a business succeeds or fails. Business expert Gene Marks addresses the steps you need to take to define that audience.
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