How to Have a Vision and Inspire Others With It

You need to have an overriding purpose for your business and be able to share it with others – employees, investors and customers – and get them to buy in. Begin by thinking about your business’s purpose and your unique strengths. Your company vision can help motivate and involve your staff, and it can help you grow your business.

Create a Compelling Vision

A compelling vision can help your business stand out and become successful. It should be clear, concise, achievable and motivational. Where do you want to take your company? What are its current strengths? What do you want it to look like in the future? How do you want to get there? By creating a compelling vision of your company’s direction and purpose, you will already be on your way to achieving that.
Begin by thinking about why you’re in business. You can find inspiration initially by looking at successful companies. What is or was their vision? How did they pursue it and communicate it? Now picture what you want your business to be in five or 10 years. Write a succinct vision you can share with your employees and other key stakeholders.

Share Your Vision and Get People on Board

Your company vision can be a key motivational tool and help your employees feel more involved. Therefore, you should be thorough in sharing it with them and explaining it. Communicate it clearly. Check that they understand it. Make sure it is brief enough to remember and most importantly, always remember to live by your vision. Direct your activities and resources toward making your vision a reality. Inspire your staff through your words and actions so that they share and work toward your vision.

Game Plan

The act of creating a vision may not come naturally. Take time to reflect, and then write a draft and hone it.
Next steps:
  • Ask yourself what your company’s purpose is.
  • Visualize where you want your business to be in 10 years. Now describe it in writing. Edit that draft. Make it compelling, relevant, and easily memorable. And make sure it answers the question: ‘Why does our business exist?’
Here are some good articles that can help provoke thought:
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