Risk Management for Salons and Barber Shops

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Quick Summary

Consumers spend a lot of money on hair and beauty services. In the U.S. alone, annual revenues from beauty salons run about $20 billion. Even during economic downturns, people still want to look their best, which makes salons and barber shops a good financial opportunity for enterprising entrepreneurs. But these services can be inherently risky for both clients and employees. From hair care products and chemicals to cutting tools, dryers, and the hands-on nature of the business, salon and barber shop owners need to comply with the constantly changing state and federal regulations designed to promote safety and protect consumers from accidents and injuries. Barber insurance can help.

Key Risks in the Beauty Salon Industry

The vast array of chemicals, products, trimmers, dryers, and other electrical equipment used on a daily basis creates an environment where accidents and injuries can happen at any moment. Injuries sustained because of lax safety procedures or ignorance of state regulations may result in personal injury lawsuits.

Hiring and Retaining the Best Employees

As with any customer-facing personal service business, the success of your salon or barber shop depends on the skills and expertise of your employees. The competition for talent is fierce, so besides making sure your employees have all the necessary credentials and certifications, you’ll want to consider offering incentives, benefits, and pleasant working conditions to keep your best talent on board.

Competition and Customer Retention Issues

The salon and barber shop business is highly fragmented and very competitive. Your marketing and promotional efforts will be aimed at generating new customers from walk-ins and then turning those customers into regulars who will come back again and again and provide the financial backbone for your business. Often, this means being aware of customer attitudes and identifying and solving minor issues to ensure a positive experience.

Beauty Salon & Barbershop Property Risk

Your substantial investment in equipment and product inventory, along with the physical structure of your place of business and the health and welfare of your employees requires comprehensive insurance protection.

Licensing and Regulatory Concerns

The salon and barber shop industry has many regulations and licensing requirements designed to ensure the safety of employees and clients. Rules and regulations for the business as well as individual professionals change frequently so it’s critical that you stay up-to-date on your state’s requirements and relevant federal safety standards.
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