Establish Your Brand's Voice

Your brand should have personality and character. And a big part of that is a voice that is distinctive, authentic, consistent and reflects your brand. In creating your brand’s voice, there are a few key considerations to be mindful of:

Understand What Is Appropriate for Your Company and Your Customers

Your voice should reflect your brand. It should have the right tone, whether that is friendly and conversational or more formal and authoritative. It should be an integral part of your brand and promote a stronger bond with customers. And related to that is a tagline that is memorable and meaningful and concisely captures your brand.

Make Sure Your Brand’s Voice Is Authentic, Distinct and Consistent

Your customers should recognize your brand’s voice immediately and it should be applied consistently across all communication, such as marketing and advertising platforms. This includes websites, social media, traditional advertising and marketing channels, and the in-store customer experience.

Have Your Brand’s Voice Speak to Customer Needs, Concerns and Desires

If you know your customers, it will be easy to create an appropriate brand voice that speaks to their greatest needs and desires. This should come more easily from being authentic and genuine in your customer communications.

Game Plan

Creating a brand voice can take time. Work on developing it over a period of time.
Next steps:
  • Look at how other successful companies convey their brand through a distinctive and recognizable voice that is also brand-appropriate.
  • Work on creating the right voice for your brand.
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