Define Your Brand

Your brand is the image customers have of your business, so take the time to define it thoughtfully and early, before the market does it for you. That way, your company’s image will be what you intend it to be. It should be strategic and intentional. Discover how to get your business to stand out from its competitors in a positive way.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

Clearly describe what it is you offer your customers. Explain why they should deal with you and what sets your business apart from competitors. Is it caring customer service? Product quality? Reliability? Speed and convenience? Don’t try to be all things to all people. Focus on what you do best and the value you bring to your customers. Let that drive your core brand message.

Identify Your Target Markets

Thoroughly define your customer needs and how your business will satisfy them. Conduct market research if you need to. Get to know your target markets and your customers’ needs and aspirations. Understand and convey clearly to customers how you can help meet their needs.

Define Your Employer Brand

What sets you apart as an employer and community member? As a company, what is your mission? What are your core values? And how does that translate into a unique value proposition? How does it make you more attractive as an employer? For example, if you have a reputation as a great place for employees with families because of wide-ranging employee benefits and flexible work arrangements, that could help you attract and retain the best people. And that, in turn, can strengthen your overall brand.

Game Plan

To define your brand, take a step back and think about your value proposition and core values.
Next steps:
  • Think about your company’s unique value proposition. And begin to try and articulate that.
  • Conduct customer research if you feel that it could help you better understand what your customers want and need.
  • Think about how you can position your company with a clear, strong image that will resonate with customers.
  • Consider working with a small-business advisory group or a Small Business Development Center.
  • Read articles such as this one on branding to learn more and begin to apply these concepts to your business brand strategy.
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