How To Get General Liability Insurance

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How To Get Liability Insurance for a Business

how to get general liability insuranceAre you wondering how to get general liability insurance? If so, we can help. We’re an insurance company that’s helped small business owners get the coverage they need for over 200 years. Obtenga una general liability quote today and learn how we can help.
General liability coverage isn’t usually required by law, but it’s important to have so you’re not stuck paying the cost of claims for bodily injury or property damage filed against your business. Without it, you’ll have to pay the entire expense out of pocket. We can help you learn how to get liability insurance for a small business to help you run a successful company. We can also help you get a certificate of insurance. Many clients and customers require this before they’ll work with you.

What Is General Liability Insurance and What Does It Cover?

General liability insurance coverage helps protect your business from claims of:
  • Bodily injury or property damage that your business may have caused
  • Reputational harm, also known as personal injury claims, like malicious prosecution, wrongful eviction and more
  • Advertising injuries, like violation of the right of privacy or libel
General liability coverage is also known as commercial general liability insurance o el seguro de responsabilidad comercial. It’s one of the most common policies that businesses buy.
Without coverage, most businesses can’t survive a significant general liability insurance claim. That’s because you’d have to pay for expenses out of pocket, which puts your business and personal assets at financial risk.

A Step-By-Step Guide on How To Obtain General Liability Insurance

obtain general liability insuranceBuying small business insurance can be daunting, but we make it easy. We offer a broad array of coverages that you can tailor to meet your business’ needs. Plus, we made our online quoting platform simple to use. In just a few minutes, you can research coverages online, get an cotización de seguro and buy the protection your business needs.
To help get the liability insurance you need, follow our five-step guide. You’ll learn what information you need before getting a quote, plus tips to help you get the right coverage for your business.

Step 1: Get the Required Information and Documents

It’s helpful to gather the necessary information before you start the quoting process. If you’re wondering, “What do I need to get liability insurance?” you’re not alone. Some of the information you may need to provide includes:
  • The number of employees working for your business
  • Estimated business revenue for the upcoming year
  • Basic contact information
  • Information on what work your business does and its risks
  • Your business’ location
  • Details about your business premises
  • Documentation on how long you’ve owned your business

Step 2: Find an Agent or Broker That Specializes in Commercial Insurance or Contact the Insurance Company Directly

get general liability insuranceIf you’re asking yourself, “Where can I get liability insurance?” you have a few options. You can work with an insurance agent or directly with an insurance company. Most insurers have specialists that can help you get the right coverages for your business. They’ll likely ask you questions about your business, such as:
  • How many employees you have
  • Where your business is located
  • The type of work your business does
Businesses with more complex risks can work with an insurance company or broker. A broker works with a buyer to find the right types of coverage for their needs. They also suggest limits for policies and which insurer to buy from. If your company buys from a broker, you’ll also pay for their services.

Step 3: Review Your Business Characteristics and Determine Your Insurance Needs

A business insurance plan doesn’t include the same coverages for every company. That’s because each business has unique needs.
It’s not uncommon for two businesses to have several similar key coverages, but others that differ and address specific risks. For example, your business and a nearby company may both have:
But because your business provides a professional service to customers, you may also need professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance. Or you may need to get a el seguro comercial para automóviles policy because you and your employees use your cars for business.
If you need advice on how you can help protect your business from the different risks it faces, we can help. Our specialists are available to talk with you about the insurance options you can get and how you can tailor your coverage to meet your business’ specific needs.

Step 4: Evaluate Options and Choose the Right General Liability Policy for Your Business

There are several variables to consider when you’re choosing the right general liability policy for your business. Cost is important and different factors can affect how much you’ll pay for insurance, such as:
  • Coverage amounts, because higher limits can increase your premium
  • How you pay your premium, since paying upfront can result in a discount
  • Bundling insurance coverages, which can help you save on rates
Be sure not to only focus on cost, because picking an insurance quote based on a low price may not give your business enough coverage. That’s why it’s important to go through each quote and review the coverage amounts and limits so you don’t put your business at financial risk. For example, if you have a significant liability claim and it exceeds your policy limit, your business will have to pay the difference out of pocket.
It’s also a good idea to check each insurance company’s claims rating. It’s important you trust them and can have a good experience. The last thing you want when you’re dealing with a small business emergency is to be put on hold for hours or deal with bad customer service. Make sure the insurer you choose has excellent customer service and claims service experience ratings.

Step 5: Relax Knowing You Have the Protection of a Commercial General Liability Policy

Liability claims aren’t as uncommon as you may think. Unexpected injuries or damage can occur frequently. In fact, falls are one of the top three leading causes of preventable injury-related deaths.1
Accidents that result in bodily injuries can be very expensive. The average cost for this kind of claim is $30,000.2 Not many small businesses can manage a cost like this without it significantly impacting their business.
With the right general liability policy and a certificate of liability insurance proving you have coverage, you can be confident knowing you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your business from these types of claims.

How Much Does General Liability Insurance Cost?

get liability insuranceOur customers paid an average of $67 a month for general liability insurance.3 But there’s not one specific answer to how much general liability insurance costs for everyone. That’s because general liability insurance costs depends on factors like the:
  • Location of your business
  • Amount of coverage in your policy
  • Industry that your business works in
  • Claims history you have
Since every business is unique, insurance rates vary because these factors affect each company differently. The best way to find out your business’ specific general liability insurance cost is to get quotes from multiple insurance companies and compare them for the best value. To get started, obtener una cotización from us today.

How To Get Liability Insurance Quotes

how to get liability insuranceSomos una compañía de seguros con más de 200 años de experiencia. Our specialists can work with you to get the liability insurance coverages your business needs. Reciba una cotización today and find out how our insurance offerings can help you run a successful business.
Last Updated: November 20, 2023
1 National Safety Council: Injury Facts, “Top 10 Preventable Injuries”
2 Based on an analysis of five years of claims data (2010-2014) from more than 1 million Hartford Business Owner’s policies.
3 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.