Certificate of Liability Insurance

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What Is a Certificate of Liability Insurance?

certificate of liability insuranceA certificate of liability insurance is a document that proves you have general liability insurance coverage. It is also called a general liability insurance certificate, proof of insurance or an ACORD 25 form. This document includes details about:
  • Coverage amounts and limits
  • Your insurance company
  • The named insured on the policy
  • Policy effective date
In order to get a certificate of liability insurance, you must buy a general liability insurance policy. After the policy is issued, your certificate of liability insurance will be available online.
General liability insurance, also known as commercial general liability insurance o el seguro de responsabilidad comercial, is an essential professional liability coverage for your business. It helps cover claims that your business caused bodily injury or property damage to someone else’s belongings. It can also help cover personal injury, libel and slander claims against your company.

Why Might I Need a General Liability Insurance Certificate?

liability insurance certificateThere are a number of reasons why small business owners may need a certificate of liability insurance, such as requirements from:
  • A client: Before a client agrees to work with your business, they’ll want to make sure you have the right type of insurance coverages to complete the project in case there’s a claim.
  • Your landlord: If you rent space for your business, your landlord may want to make sure you have professional liability insurance to help cover claims related to your business.
  • Professional licenses you need: Certain professionals, like real estate agents, have to carry general liability insurance.

How Much Does a Certificate of Liability Insurance Cost?

Getting a general liability insurance certificate from The Hartford won’t cost you anything extra. But, you’ll first need to get general liability insurance coverage. Insurance agents or our specialists can work with you to determine your specific business liability insurance cost.

How Do I Get a General Liability Insurance Certificate From The Hartford?

When you get a general liability insurance policy, you’ll also get a certificate of insurance (COI) automatically as proof of insurance. If a company required another copy of your certificate, you have two different ways to get one:
  1. Request a certificate of general liability insurance through your agent.
  2. Visit our online portal, Mi Cuenta, to request certificates of insurance. We process most requests instantly.

Common Questions About Certificate of Liability Insurance

Who Counts as a Certificate Holder for General Liability Insurance?

The certificate holder is usually the named insured on the general liability insurance policy.

Why Should I Add My Client to My General Liability Insurance Certificate?

certificate of liabilityAuthorizing your client as an additional insured party to your general liability insurance policy and certificate is a common request for professional services. Clients often request it because your insurer will notify them if you cancel your policy before the expiration date.
Be aware that adding your client to your business liability insurance policy as a certificate holder doesn’t mean they’ll have legal rights on your liability insurance coverage. Certificates of insurance from The Hartford only establish that the insurance policy exists. To extend liability coverage to your client, you have to add them as an additional insured on your policy.

Get a General Liability Insurance Quote

We’re backed by more than 200 years of experience and have helped over 1 million small business owners. We know how to meet your business’ unique needs and will help ensure you get the right type of liability insurance coverage that fits your business best.
Obtenga una general liability insurance quote today and find out how we can help protect your small business.
Última actualización: 15 de junio de 2022
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* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.