General Liability Insurance Definition

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What Is the Definition of General Liability Insurance?

general liability insurance definitionIf you’re looking for the general liability insurance definition, you’ve come to the right place. General liability insurance is a type of business insurance under the General Liability Umbrella that helps cover claims that your company caused:
  • Lesiones corporales
  • Property damage to someone else’s belongings
  • Personal injury
  • Advertising injury, like libel or slander
Other names for this coverage include commercial general liability insurance (CGL) and business liability insurance.
General liability insurance for startups is an important coverage for many small business owners. In fact, it's an essential insurance policy to help run a successful business. Without it, you would have to cover the costs of claims out of pocket.
Consider getting general liability if your business:
  • Works directly with customers
  • Owns or rents a building to operate from
  • Provides services at a client's home
We offer a few ways to get general liability coverage. You can get this insurance as a standalone policy or as part of a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). A BOP contains three coverages:
  • General liability insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Business income insurance

Common Questions About General Liability Insurance

What Does General Liability Insurance Cover?

General liability insurance helps cover claims that your business caused bodily injuries and/or property damage. It can help pay for a customer’s medical bills or your legal costs to defend your business.

commercial general liability insurance definitionWhat Is the Difference Between General Liability and Commercial General Liability Insurance Definitions?

There is no difference between general liability and commercial general liability insurance definitions. Both terms refer to the same type of commercial liability insurance.

What Are Examples of General Liability Insurance Claims?

General liability insurance claims can come from normal business operations. Some examples of claims that this liability coverage can help cover are:
  • A customer slipping and falling in your business.
  • Your employee accidentally breaking a client’s window while moving furniture in their home.
  • A competing business owner suing you for slander or libel.
  • Having to hire an attorney to defend your company in a lawsuit brought by a customer.

Get a General Liability Insurance Quote

Somos una compañía de seguros con más de 200 años de experiencia. Our specialists know the unique risks businesses face in different industries. We can work with you to get the right coverage for your needs. Whether you have coverage questions or need help adding an additional insured to your policy, we’ve got your back. Obtenga una general liability insurance quote today and learn how we can help you run a successful business.
Última actualización: 14 de agosto de 2023
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.

Learn More About General Liability Insurance

Watch this video for more information about your coverage options.
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