The Hartford Center for Mature Market Excellence® has created helpful publications on topics ranging from family conversations about driving safety to home design ideas. Many were developed from research conducted jointly by the Center and the MIT AgeLab.
Driving Safety Guides
Important Notice
The printed versions of At the Crossroads and We Need to Talk are no longer available.
The PDF versions are offered below.
Printed versions of Your Road Ahead and Your Road to Confidence Guidebooks are available while supplies last.
The PDF versions of these Guidebooks will remain available.
At the Crossroads
Family Conversations About Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia & Driving
Esta guía ayuda a las familias a determinar cuándo es hora de que sus seres queridos que padecen demencia dejen de conducir y les ayuda a lidiar con el cese de la conducción.
Also available in Spanish: En la encrucijada: conversaciones familiares sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, demencia y conducción de automóviles.
At the Crossroads
Support Group Leaders Kit on Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia and Driving
This kit is a four-session educational workshop for delivery by support group leaders to caregivers on dementia and driving.
En el asiento del conductor
A Guide to Vehicle Safety Technology
This guide will help you understand and use vehicle safety technology while you are in the driver’s seat.
El camino que lo espera
A Guide to Comprehensive Driving Evaluations
Esta guía describe los beneficios de tener un examen integral de manejo con un terapeuta ocupacional especializado en capacitación de evaluación de conductores.
Your Road to Confidence
Guía de compra, venta y mantenimiento de un auto, para viudas
Esta guía le da la posibilidad a las viudas de tomar el control de su futuro como conductoras y de comprar, vender y mantener un auto con confianza.
Tenemos que hablar
Conversaciones Familiares con Conductores de la Tercera Edad
This guidebook gives families easy-to-use, practical information to help them plan ahead and initiate productive and caring conversations with older adults about driving safely.
Also available in Spanish: Tenemos que hablar: conversaciones familiares con conductores de edad avanzada.
Home Safety Guides
Precaución ante el Fuego
A Smart Way to Prevent, Detect and Escape Home Fires
La seguridad ante el fuego no es un proyecto de una única vez. Debe estar continuamente en guardia contra los riesgos de incendio en su casa. Este valioso folleto puede ayudarle a usted y a su familia a prevenir, detectar y escapar de los incendios en el hogar.
It Could Happen to Me
Family Conversations About Disaster Planning
Natural disasters don't happen every day, but repercussions can be severe. Having a disaster plan can help prevent loss of life and reduce property damage, lessen stress around recovery and rebuilding, and decrease time it takes to get your life back in order.
Keeping Your Home at Its Best
A Guide to Home Maintenance
This guide offers homeowners tips and information about staying on top of home maintenance tasks, working with service providers, and which smart home technologies to consider.
Ideas modernas, vida moderna
Home Design and Planning for the Lifestyle You Want
This guidebook encourages you to think about the next step in your lifestyle and how to ensure that your home will fit you, and provides information to help you think through the options and talk with people who are important to you about these decisions.
Remodeling Today for A Better Tomorrow
Design Ideas for the Kitchen and Bathroom
This guidebook provides ideas to consider when remodeling your kitchen and bathroom to make it more convenient, comfortable and safe.
Simple Solutions
Practical Ideas and Products to Enhance Independent Living
This guidebook features more than 200 simple design ideas and household products that can make your home more comfortable, convenient and safe.
La calma antes de la tormenta
Family Conversations About Disaster Planning, Caregiving, Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
This publication helps caregivers better prepare for natural disasters by planning with family, friends and others. It includes worksheets, checklists and helpful resources.
Wildfire Sense
A Guide to Protecting Your Home and Family
This guide describes the steps to take when preparing for a wildfire, including what to do before a wildfire happens, what to consider when evacuating, and tips on re-entry and recovery after a wildfire.