Technology Property and Professional Liability

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Tech firms often have enormous hardware investments humming in physical locations. Damage from severe weather, electrical outages or brownouts, and criminal break-ins could threaten the very survival of your business.
Given the complexities of technology solutions, products, and services, it’s often the exception when a new product works perfectly right out of the box. Many performance issues or software crashes can be mitigated with more advanced tech applied through updates. But if enterprise-wide promises are not fulfilled, or your technology fails to meet contractually-required specifications, customers may seek legal remedies against your company.

Mitigation Measures

Get insurance. At a minimum, it is prudent for any small business to have a Póliza para propietarios de empresas. However, because there are unique risks that come with running a data-driven business, tech professionals would be wise to consider additional coverages. For example, Seguro de responsabilidad profesional, which often includes professional Errors & Omissions coverage, is designed to protect companies and individuals against loss (both damages and defense costs) resulting from acts, errors or omissions during the performance of professional duties.
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