Why Does My Company Need E&O Insurance?

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Lawsuits – both legitimate and frivolous – are common today. Adding professional liability insurance to your business insurance portfolio can help protect you from the time consuming and expensive proposition of mounting a defense if a client takes you to court.
Professions that commonly purchase professional liability insurance include:
  • Medical providers
  • Attorneys and legal service providers
  • Consultants
  • Brokers
  • Accountants
  • Financial services professionals
  • General contractors
But anyone providing professional advice and design solutions to clients, from Web designers to music composers to realtors to software developers, could be at risk and should consider professional liability insurance.
If your company is primarily manufacturing, or product-oriented, you could also be exposed to professional liabilities if you outsource jobs to third party vendors, or conduct business online.
If you do business with large corporations, or in international markets, you may be required to carry E&O insurance before you can sign a commercial services contract.

Game Plan

  • Talk with your insurance broker to see if you need professional liability insurance.
  • Consider requiring your vendors and suppliers to carry E&O insurance as an extra level of protection for your business.
Need Business Insurance?

Need Business Insurance?

For more than 200 years businesses have trusted The Hartford. We can help you get the right coverage with an online quote.
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