Construction Industry Trends

How On-Site Injury Prevention Services Can Help Manufacturers

Manufacturing accounted for 15% of all nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2019. See how injury prevention services can help keep employees safe.

Manufacturing and Workplace Injuries

Manufacturing accounted for 15% of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses in private industries in 2019.1 In fact, manufacturing employees suffered 64,640 job-related injuries during that time, causing them to miss work.2 With the proper programs and trainings in place, many of these injuries could be preventable, including the following common injuries:3
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Tears
  • Repetitive motion
An employee missing work can impact productivity and also has a financial effect on manufacturers. Employers pay 88% of costs related to an employee absence. So, the sooner they can return to work, the better it is for the employee and manufacturers.

What Are Injury Prevention Services?

Injury prevention services can be either virtual or on-site. They’re designed to help keep employees safe and healthy on the job. A team of dedicated clinical solutions consultants provide services focusing on:
  • Proactive injury prevention
  • First-aid treatment
  • Employee wellness
Manufacturers can also customize their injury prevention services program to meet their needs.

Injury Prevention Services: Keeping Employees Safe at Work

Workplace injury prevention

Whether your client's business manufactures food, furniture, electronics or even clothing, protecting their employees from workplace injuries is essential. See how The Hartford's on-site Industrial Performance Program can help.

Why Are Injury Prevention Services Important?
days missed by manufacturing workers in the U.S. because of injuries and illnesses4
average reduction in musculoskeletal injuries within 18 months of on-site Industrial Performance Program5
What's Included in Injury Prevention Services?
Together with trusted clinical partners, we've created onsite and prevention services that offer:
Clinicians that can help coach your employees to increase their performance and improve overall safety
A Physical Demands Analysis, which identifies the physical requirements of your workforce
Post-offer physical testing of new hires
Early intervention strategies to help prevent musculoskeletal injuries
Ergonomic assessments to minimize the risk of injuries
Fit-for-duty testing customized to each employee's position
OSHA-compliant treatments and services
Our virtual services offer:
Preventative stretch and exercise programs
Fit-for-duty testing for individuals or groups
Job analysis
One-one-one telephone consultation for pain or discomfort
Videos and other education resources
Physical demand analysis to identify physical requirements
Post-offer physical testing of new hires
To learn more about our injury prevention services, contact our team at

On-Site Injury Prevention Services

With on-site injury prevention, manufacturers and employees can access:
Clinicians, including a certified athletic trainer or physical therapy assistant to coach workers on how to improve safety.
Physical Demands Analysis to identify any physical requirements for a job. It can also help identify high-risk exposures. The analysis looks at the:
  • Physical tolerance needed to perform tasks
  • Maximum force requirements
  • Cognitive requirements
  • Environmental factors
Physical Ability Testing for new hires and existing employees. This test assesses whether the person is able to perform essential functions of the job.
Early intervention to help prevent musculoskeletal injuries.
Ergonomic assessments to lower workers’ injury risk. This looks at a person's workstation and makes recommendations on adjustments.
Fit for Duty program, which is a customized program to help coach employees to meet the physical demands of their specific job.
Job Analysis, which is a detailed report about the requirements of a job.
Immediate OSHA approved first-aid treatment if there’s a workplace injury.

Virtual Injury Prevention Services

Virtual injury prevention services include:
  • Preventative stretch and exercise programs to help workers’ stay healthy on the job.
  • One-on-one phone consultations for pain or discomfort.
  • Videos and other educational resources for workers to use.
Manufacturers can also get other programs virtually, such as:
  • Physical testing for new hires and existing employees
  • Fit for Duty
  • Job analysis

How Does an Injury Prevention Services Program Help Manufacturers?

For employers, having an injury prevention services program helps reduce workplace injuries and employee absence. In fact, there was a 67% reduction in musculoskeletal injuries within 18 months of having an on-site program.6
These services not only help reduce injuries, but also improve safety and morale. A healthier workforce increases productivity and shows employees that their well-being is important.
“Employers face the challenge of maintaining a safe work environment which can include a determination if an employee is fit for duty,” said Dr. Adam L. Seidner, The Hartford’s Chief Medical Officer. “Our injury prevention solutions can help employers overcome this challenge by providing them with tools and programs. Employees are an employer’s most important asset and productivity depends on keeping employees safe and on the job.”
The injury preventions services program also provides valuable insights like pre-injury and post claim data. Employers can use this type of information to help drive change and make their facilities safer.
Manufacturing employees can benefit from an injury prevention program because they’ll have access to health and wellness services. And if they get hurt because of their job, they can return to work safely and avoid a possibility of re-injury.

The Hartford Partners With Trusted Vendors

We know how important employees are to the success of a manufacturer. That’s why helping hurt or sick employees heal and get back to work as quickly as possible is so important.
Through our partnership with a trusted vendor, manufacturers get access to highly experienced companies. We know that manufacturers of all sizes face unique challenges. Our vendor can work with manufacturers to provide a customized program to fit their unique workforce needs.
Plus, if there’s a work-related injury, manufacturers don't have to spend time looking for service. That's because our vendor offers services nationwide, giving employees access to treatment and recovery wherever they are.
“In today’s environment, many employers are focused on creating a workplace culture that focuses on recruiting, retaining and engaging top talent,” Seidner said. “We firmly believe our injury prevention services can help employers achieve that type of culture.”

5,6 Unify Health Services. Customers who implemented an on-site Industrial Performance Program have reduced musculoskeletal injuries by an average of 30% within the first six months and 67% within 18 months.
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