Gene Marks on Engaging Employees

It's well-known that good managers need to have good attitudes. Business expert Gene Marks explains why promoting a positive environment is crucial for your employees and business.

Video Transcript

I grapple with emotionally engaging my employees all the time. This is a really tough issue because, again, we sell, you know, we sell computer software. We have about 600 clients. Most of them are small and medium size companies, and we have a lot of crazy people that we sell to. You know, a lot of great people as well and sometimes, I don’t know, as I just get older and crabbier, sometimes I just, you know, take out my frustrations where I shouldn’t and I think to myself like that, that’s not something I should’ve done because my, my employee’s are watching this. And like if I can’t be like in a good mood and positive and have the right attitude how can I possibly expect that they’re going to, you know, have that. So it’s a really, really tough issue to be able to come to work every day for 10 hours a day and be at the sort of level where your, your employees can’t see what you’re thinking, right, or can’t look through the door when you close it and you’re like screaming and yelling because some customer or client is, is driving you crazy. So I’m trying to figure out that question as well. I mean, I really would. I mean, there’s a certain level of balance that you need personally to be happy and there’s a certain amount of time off, there’s a certain amount of time away from your business. There’s a certain amount of things you need to be doing during the day that you truly enjoy so that when the rough spots happen in your business you’re able to deal with them in an affable way and a, a good way so that, you know, you’re not poisoning your employees and creating a negative type of atmosphere in your company. And that, that’s the, the best thing that I’ve been trying to do over the past few years.

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