Barbara Weltman on Asking for Help

Have you just started a business? Ask for help! Business expert Barbara Weltman outlines some of the resources available to business owners.

Video Transcript

Business owners just starting out, the biggest piece of advice I could give is don’t hesitate to ask for help and ask questions. The sooner you do so, the, the quicker you’re gonna get answers, solutions, and avoid problems. Whether it’s turning to experts, whether it’s asking other business owners in your industry, whether it’s seeking a mentor who can guide you until you are on firm ground. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. I think it’s essential for every business owner to have a mentor. Whether you do this in some kind of structured arrangement, where you have a formal kind of mentor relationship, or whether you just turn to somebody that you know. Perhaps somebody who was your former boss who you are comfortable with, who will continue to guide you even when you go out on your own.

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