Email Marketing for Beginners

Few marketing tactics are as cost-effective as email. Think about it: Write email, send an email blast. That’s why it may be so popular with small business owners. However, it also means that it's the most likely to be dismissed out of hand by recipients. (How many emails have you deleted today without opening them?) 

The key to effective email marketing is what you say in your email. If it’s blatantly self-promotional, your email will be summarily dispatched to the Trash folder. The same can be said for a subject line that includes the word “free,” or includes exclamation points or dollar signs.
Many small businesses have discovered that successful email marketing campaigns don’t just sell, they inform. They provide customers and prospects with useful content, such as advice, expertise and insights. By doing so, they build a relationship over time with customers. This is what’s known as “lead nurturing” – that is, heeding customer needs and providing relevant content to meet those needs over time.
There are multiple ways you can capture attention with lead nurturing. It often involves a skillful blend of useful information and some sort of product offer. For example, you could offer your expertise free of charge to solve a prospect’s or customer’s problem, via a regular email newsletter. Or offer something special, like a “flash sale.” Or promise something exclusive, like “pre-launch” access to a new product or service.
One other thing you need to consider: Rules around Can Spam. Violating these could get your business into hot water. Check out this common small business mistakes section of the Playbook to learn more.

Game Plan

It’s easy to do email marketing wrong. To be sure that the time you spend on writing and sending emails is well spent, have a look at these articles on its fundamentals:
Another tactic: Hook up with a company that specializes in email software that helps you create and blast to bulk email lists.
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