The Company Sponsored Health Insurance Plan

Quick Summary
Your employees are your greatest assets. Health insurance can be critical to helping you attract and retain your best workers and ensuring their satisfaction and productivity.
The fact is employee health insurance is one of today’s most important and sought-after employee benefits. Not coincidentally, it’s also the single most expensive benefit offered by employers, by a wide margin.
An employer-sponsored group health insurance plan offers multiple benefits to both you and your employees. For you, it can mean healthier, happier workers, which can lead to a more productive workforce. So how does health insurance benefit your employees? Let us count the ways.

How Company Sponsored Health Insurance Plans Benefit Employees

An individual without health insurance may be just one major injury or illness away from potential financial ruin. And as healthcare reform continues to evolve and affect individuals’ and families’ lives and finances, group health coverage through an employer becomes an increasingly valuable perk.

Tax Benefits of Company Sponsored Health Insurance Plans

As an employer offering a qualified group health insurance plan, you can typically deduct 100% of your premiums. And you might be able to cut your payroll taxes as well.
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