Let Your Brand Permeate
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Be passionate. Once you are ready to communicate in support of your brand, tell your story with as much passion as you want your audience to feel when they receive that message. Consider your employees equally as important an audience as your external customers. Employee understanding and buy-in are critical.
Be authentic. Be sure that what you have to say is real in the eyes, ears and minds of your customers based on their actual experience with your company. If you’re telling stories to promote your brand, they need to be in synch with the customer experience. Otherwise, you could be doing more harm than good. Don’t stretch the truth or it will snap back and hurt your efforts to connect with customers.
Be consistent. This gets back to the need for your brand to permeate your organization. Every touch-point for customers has to support the story and the promise of your brand.
Differentiate yourself. Be able to articulate the distinction between your company and other competitors clearly, authentically and consistently.
Inspire your customers. Your customers are very important to your brand building effort. Help them move from customers to fans and brand ambassadors. Understand the emotional connection they have and give them opportunities to reinforce that feeling and then to share it with others. Enlist them as brand spokespeople or ambassadors.
Give customers a key role in your communications platform. Word of mouth from fellow consumers carries more weight these days than companies speaking on behalf of themselves. Third-party and customer endorsements can be much more powerful, credible and effective.