Peer-to-Peer Lending

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What Is Peer-to-Peer Lending?

Peer to peer lending Peer-to-peer lending, also known as P2P lending or social lending, is the practice of packaging small amounts of money from different lenders to provide a loan to a borrower. With P2P lending, rates are usually lower than bank rates because there isn’t a middleman. Loan amounts range between $1,000 and $40,000.
P2P lenders can include:
  • Wealth advisors
  • Fixed-income funds
  • Alternative asset managers
  • Personas
They view these kinds of loans as investments that pay a fixed interest rate. Lenders may pledge as little as $25 to many borrowers, which results in a portfolio of loans to help manage their risk.

How Does a Peer-to-Peer Loan Work?

Most peer-to-peer loans are unsecured personal loans that are transacted online through P2P lending platforms. These sites:
  • Collect and verify a borrower’s personal and financial information
  • Perform credit scoring and credit checking
  • Process monthly payments
  • Service loans
Be aware that peer-to-peer loans aren’t FDIC insured, putting both lenders and borrowers at risk. FDIC stands for federal deposit insurance corporation. It helps protect a person’s account and money at certain financial institutions, like a bank. If a bank institution is FDIC insured, it means a person’s account is covered up to $250,000.1 So, if the bank goes out of business, the person won’t lose their money.
It's a good idea to check the terms and conditions of a peer-to-peer loan. Generally, these types of loans don’t have prepayment penalties, so you can pay the loan back earlier. But there may be loan origination fees or closing costs that can add to the total cost.

What Is P2P Lending Used For?

Historically, most peer-to-peer lending sites make loans out to individuals instead of businesses. In recent years, however, this trend is changing. According to the Small Business Administration, P2P lending is growing with online lending platforms filling a niche market for small business capital.
Business owners use P2P loans for a wide range of reasons, including:
  • Purchasing equipment and tools
  • Debt consolidation
  • Cover training costs for employees
  • Expansion

Is Peer-to-Peer Lending Safe?

P2P lending Because peer-to-peer lending isn’t FDIC insured, there are risks for lenders and borrowers. Lenders may not make as much of a return as expected, especially if a borrower defaults on their loan. Doing due diligence and researching peer-to-peer lending companies and platforms can help you avoid potential issues.
1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, “Insured or Not Insured?”
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Game Plan
Here’s a list of a few well-known P2P lending companies. Just remember, it’s a good idea to do your own research on peer-to-peer lenders and how to find the best peer-to-peer lending sites. This list serves merely as research convenience and isn’t intended as an endorsement of the companies.

How Does Peer-to-Peer Lending Work?

If you're looking to get a loan for your small business, P2P lending may be a good option. You can use an online P2P platform to match with a lender who can offer loans for your small business. Wondering how it works?

peer to peer lending
Borrowers use a P2P platform to find lenders.
p2p lending
The P2P platform verifies the borrowers personal and financial information and performs credit scoring.
lend peer to peer
Borrowers apply for loans on the platform.
peer to peer loans
Lenders select which loans fit their level of risk.
peer to peer business lending
Borrowers make monthly payments to lenders directly on the platform.
peer lending
In addition to getting the right funding, you'll also want business insurance coverage for your company. Para conocer más, solicite hoy una cotización.
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