If You’re Self-Employed

When the Affordable Care Act was passed and went into effect, it included a requirement that everyone have health coverage that qualifies as “minimum essential coverage,” or pay an IRS penalty – this was known as the “individual mandate.”
Although the mandate was repealed, it remains in effect for 2018. The repeal is effective 2019.
“Minimum essential coverage” includes:
  • Employer-sponsored major medical coverage (including COBRA and retiree coverage);
  • Major medical coverage purchased in the individual market;
  • Medicare Part A coverage;
  • Medicaid coverage;
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage;
  • Certain types of veterans health coverage; and

Visit your state’s online health insurance marketplace.

New online health insurance marketplaces offer health coverage to self-employed individuals. They include four levels of benefit packages with a range of cost and coverage levels. You and/or your spouse and dependents might also qualify for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, which could help reduce the costs of purchasing insurance from these marketplaces. To find your state’s online health insurance marketplace and get coverage, visit healthcare.gov.

Game Plan

  • Under certain circumstances, you may not have to make an Individual Shared Responsibility payment. Get more information from this hoja de datos del caso de tarifas on Individual Shared Responsibility.
  • Get more information on online health insurance marketplaces aquí.
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