How Workers' Comp Ins Protects Your Business

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There are three ways that workers’ compensation insurance can help protect your business. First, Workers’ Comp insurance helps cover employees for work-related injuries and illnesses. It may also help mitigate the possibility of employees bringing suits against your business for work-related injuries and illnesses. Workers’ Comp insurance also helps protect your business by keeping it compliant with state Workers’ Comp regulations.
Medio workers’ compensation insurance is an affordable benefit that helps protect both you and your employees. In fact, once you review your options, you may want to strengthen your policy by adding coverage. (Of course, the more you add, the higher your premiums will be.) For example, you may want to be covered for:
  • Legal expenses if an employee makes a claim of work-related illnesses or injuries (this coverage is usually included in workman’s comp insurance, but you can increase the amount of coverage)
  • Employees who are injured in states outside those where your business normally operates;
  • Various types of injuries and illnesses;
  • Funeral expenses and financial support to dependents; and
  • Reimbursement percentages for lost wages.
When employees suffer a work-related injury or illness, The Hartford Workman’s Compensation Insurance protection helps cover wages and medical benefits and gives employees access to experienced, caring professionals at every step of their recovery.
Workers’ compensation insurance is required by law in most states, and each state’s requirements can vary significantly. One reason that states determine their own Workers’ Comp benefits and premiums is there are differences in state economies and risk profiles. Specialists at The Hartford can help explain the specific requirements for each state and help ensure you get your business the coverage it needs.

What Does Workers’ Comp Cover?

Workers’ comp insurance can help cover your business if an employee experiences a work-related injury or illness. If an employee is unable to work, workers’ comp insurance can also help provide a percentage of lost wages, and it can also help cover medical expenses for treatments the employee needs. This insurance can also include physical therapy, surgeries, medications, and more. Workers’ Comp insurance is there to help in getting your employee back to work. In the unfortunate event an employee dies, Workers’ Comp insurance can help in providing financial benefits to the employee’s family.

Game Plan

Workers’ comp laws vary widely by state. You can determine your own state’s guidelines on crucial issues, such as legally required coverages and job classifications, at
If you don’t want to spend a lot of time hunting down all that info, simply ask your insurance professional, accountant, and/or payroll provider for information on those issues. You can also ask them about details on types of coverage you may need or want, depending on the business you’re in.
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