The Rise and Risks of Autonomous Robots in the Workplace

The Rise and Risks of Autonomous Robots in the Workplace

There’s never been a better time to integrate autonomous robots into the workplace. Andrew Zarkowsky shares why – and how to do it safely.
Andrew Zarkowsky
Andrew Zarkowsky, Head of AI Underwriting, The Hartford
The introduction of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to change the way businesses operate. For example, warehouses might reduce the risk of workplace injuries by having robots complete higher hazard tasks. These robots can take on tasks like carrying heavy materials or entering workspaces that would require humans to wear protective gear to guard against noise or toxic chemicals. However, as technology continues to rapidly evolve, it is important to understand both the risks and the benefits of introducing autonomous robots into your operations.

The Rise of Autonomous Robots

Autonomous robots are intelligent machines that can perform tasks such as finding and picking items in a distribution center or sanding fiberglass at a construction site. But to do the job right, robots need sensors and visual data to make decisions and operate autonomously – and sometimes they need human intervention to keep them on track.
Despite these limitations, robots give workers the ability to delegate mundane and hazardous tasks to machines, allowing humans to focus on the more engaging and valuable parts of their job. In 2024, nearly 21% of warehouses use some form of robotics, up from 15% in 2018.1
Autonomous robots are being used across a variety of industries, including:
  • Logistics: Robots can transport orders across warehouses and shipping facilities.
  • E-Commerce: Robots can support order fulfillment, returns handling, raw materials transport and inventory management.
  • Manufacturing: Robots outfitted with appropriate gear can assist in the production process.
  • Data Centers: Autonomous robots can be used to transport material that is sensitive or an essential part of operations.
  • Health Care: Autonomous robots can move supplies and medicine, as well as support cleaning and sanitizing routines.
  • Biotech: Robots can perform repetitive monitoring tasks or aid with waste removal from the production line.
A robot’s biggest asset is its lack of human limitations. Robots are not constrained by heat or chemicals, allowing them to perform tasks that are potentially dangerous to humans. For example, robots with sensors can venture into high-hazard areas to check for radioactivity or diminished air quality.
Companies are also using robots for overnight security. Robots can drive around the parking lot of a vacant building, for instance, to show a presence of security, record events and hopefully be able to prevent a bad actor from causing an issue.

Assess Work Zones Before Using Autonomous Robots

Robots, however, are not infallible. In addition to potentially breaking down, autonomous robots can perform the wrong action if not programmed correctly. For example, robots have been known to go off course and end up in the wrong section of a warehouse or get stuck on a loading dock. And if the robots are interacting with humans, the risks increase.
Companies considering the use of robots should assess the work environment and every individual task a robot would complete. A controlled environment, such as a warehouse, entails less risk than a robot functioning outside on a public road.
When using autonomous robots, a company should evaluate its risk based on the environment and concurrently evaluate insurance coverage – particularly general liability, workers’ compensation, property, professional liability (also called Technology Errors & Omissions or Tech E&O) and cyber liability.
There is a risk correlation to the environment and the end use. It’s important that whoever uses the robot understands their liability and the availability of appropriate insurance coverage.
Users should spend time thinking about risk transfer and understanding the contract wording in the SOW (Statement of Work). Expectations and warranties should be clearly defined, as well as how the insurance policy will provide or exclude coverage. If something goes wrong, the insurer will evaluate whether it was caused by the manufacturer’s design or if the company using the robots designed the constraints incorrectly.

Reduce Your Risk With Robots in the Workplace

First, do not let risk deter you. Waiting to use robots can be its own risk, hindering a company’s productivity and innovation. Companies should start somewhere, even if it is exploratory. The ramp up time from not having robotics in the workplace to having them is significant. It might take years to use the robot efficiently.
With that insight, here are some steps to consider:
  • Start small: Deploy robots in low hazard and controlled environments to minimize risk and maximize learnings. Ensure sensors detect what is needed and partner the robot with a human to refine your process before it is deployed on its own.
  • Contain the environment: Work in well controlled and mapped locations. Ultimately, if you want your robot to support humans in a warehouse, train it first in a contained space with simple directions. As it achieves goals, level up its duties.
  • Educate on misuse of robots: Risks emerge when a robot isn’t used the way it is designed. To reduce potential problems, educate human counterparts on correct usage. For example, if a robot is designed to move at 2 to 3 mph, but a user forces it to 4 or 5 mph, that could incur a major risk.
When initiating a robot program, consider hiring someone internally to oversee the initiative or bring on a consultant who deeply understands what’s involved. It will take a true combination of understanding your business and process while also understanding AI and robotics. Just having one or the other won’t be sufficient.
For more insight on the latest industry trends, read our 2024 Risk Monitor Report.
1 “Industrial Robots – 2023”, Interact Analysis, January 2024.
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