Preparing for an Infection Disease Event

Preparing for an Infectious Disease Event

See how a business continuity plan can help your business prepare for and respond to an infectious disease event.

What to Expect During Infectious Disease Events

As populations, travel and trade increase, the risk of infectious disease events do too. In fact, the number of epidemics has continued to rise over the last 30 years.1 From a potential closure to increased absenteeism, infectious disease events can significantly impact your business operations and your employees’ health and safety. That’s why having a business continuity is important.
Un business continuity plan outlines how your company will continue operating after an emergency. With an infectious disease event, you have to think about all the ways it will impact the aspects of your business and how you can plan for whatever issues arise.

Protecting Employees by Preventing Infection

One of the best ways to beat an infectious disease event is to limit and prevent its spread. You can do this by implementing temporary changes in your workplace, such as:
  • Restricting in-person meetings
  • Ending non-essential business travel
  • Implementing flexible work arrangements
  • Encouraging social distancing

Keep Your Business Continuity Plan Current

Things are always changing, and you never know what can happen. That’s why it’s important to regularly review and test your business continuity plan. This will help you identify any parts that aren’t working or need updating. As we know from COVID-19, you can never be too prepared for a pandemic.

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