Workers’ Compensation in Utah

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Utah Workers’ Compensation Requirements

workers compensation UtahThe Workers’ Compensation Act outlines laws for workers’ compensation in Utah. It states that most small businesses need workers’ compensation, also known as workers’ comp and workman’s comp.1

Does Utah Require Workers’ Compensation?

According to Utah workers’ compensation laws, most business owners need to buy workers’ comp. You can get a policy from the Utah state fund of workers compensation or work with a private insurance carrier to make sure your business gets the coverage it needs.
There are only a few types of businesses that may not need workmans’ comp in Utah, including:2
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships where there are no employees
  • Limited liability companies where owners perform most of the work

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Utah?

workmans comp utahIn the Beehive State, workers’ comp helps cover employees that suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. These employees can include officers of a corporation. However, as the business owner, you can exclude your officers from coverage. To do so, you’ll need to notify your insurance company.3
Workmans’ comp in Utah can also help protect you against lawsuits from ill or injured employees. For example, say you have an employee that suffers a back injury at work and they file a lawsuit against you. Your workers’ compensation insurance can help cover their medical expenses and help pay the legal costs that result.
In Utah, the state’s Insurance Department oversees the workers’ compensation program and ensures timely payment of claims.You can get coverage through Utah’s workers’ comp fund or private insurance companies, like us. In fact, we offer both seguro de negocio and workers’ comp coverage for Utah employers.

Utah Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Utah workers’ compensation insurance helps cover:
  • Accidents or injuries that happen on the job and result in medical costs and lost wages.
  • Illnesses caused by a work-related activity. This can happen if your employees work with harmful chemicals or allergens.
  • Ongoing medical care if an injury or illness is severe and needs reoccurring treatment, like physical therapy.
  • Disability from work-related illnesses or injuries.
  • Missed wages when your employee needs to take time off from work to recover.
  • Funeral costs if your employee dies due to a work-related injury or illness. This can be helpful for the deceased worker’s family in their time of grief.
  • Repetitive stress injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome from repeated strain during the workday.

How Do I File for Workers’ Compensation in Utah?

If your worker receives a work-related injury or illness, you’ll want to file a claim with your insurance carrier within seven days of receiving their report of injury or illness. When you file your claim, keep in mind that employers are required to submit information, like:
  • How the accident occurred
  • What type of injury your employee has
  • The date and time of the accident
If your employee is unable to do any work because of their injury or illness, they can receive temporary total disability compensation. If the employee returns to work before 14 days, they won’t receive payment for the first three days after their injury. However, if they return to work after 14 days, they will receive payment for those first three days. Their compensation ends when they can return to work.5
However, the maximum length of time temporary total disability compensation can be paid is 312 weeks within a 12-year period from the date of the injury.6 Learn more about how long workers’ compensation lasts.

Utah Workers’ Compensation Claims and Quotes

To file a workers’ compensation claim, visit our portal por Internet. We’ll help guide you through each step of the process.
You can also learn more about workers’ compensation insurance by getting a quote from us today. We’re an insurance company that’s been helping small businesses get the right coverage for over 200 years. You can count on us to keep your business protected.
1, 2, 3 Utah Labor Commission: Industrial Accidents Division, “Employer’s Guide to Worker’s Compensation”
4 Utah Insurance Department, “Workers’ Compensation”
5, 6 Utah Labor Commission: Industrial Accidents Division, “Employee’s Guide to Workers’ Compensation”
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