Arkansas Workers’ Compensation

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Workers’ Comp Insurance in Arkansas

Arkansas workers' compensationIn the state of Arkansas, workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from a work-related injury or illness. Arkansas workers’ compensation benefits can help pay for their:
  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Disability benefits
Workers’ compensation insurance, also known as workers’ compensation or workman’s comp, can help cover funeral costs if your employee loses their life from a workplace accident or work-related illness.

Does Arkansas Require Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Most Arkansas businesses with three or more employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance coverage. However, there are a few exceptions to this state law, including:1
  • Railroad and maritime workers
  • Agricultural farm labor
  • Domestic help
  • Non-profit employees
  • Religious, charitable or relief organizations

What Does Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Workman’s comp in Arkansas can help cover:
  • Work-related accidents or injuries if your employee gets hurt on the job
  • Illnesses caused from exposure to chemicals or allergies in the workplace
  • Repetitive stress injuries (RSI) that develop over time, like a repetitive stress injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome

Workers’ Compensation in Arkansas Benefits

If your employee gets a work-related injury or illness, Arkansas workers’ compensation can help pay for their:
  • Medical care, including emergency room visits, prescriptions or surgeries.
  • Rehabilitation if a sick or injured worker requires more treatment, like physical therapy.
  • Disability benefits for injuries or illnesses so severe that employees can’t return to work in the same capacity. This can be due to a total, temporary or partial disability.
  • Wage loss benefits if a sick or injured employee takes time away from work to recover.
  • Death benefits if they lose their life from a work-related injury or illness.

How Much Is Workers’ Comp in Arkansas?

Workman's comp ArkansasCosts for workers’ comp in Arkansas vary because every business is different. An insurance company can use different factors to determine your cost for workers’ compensation coverage. Esto puede incluir:
  • The number of employees you have
  • The type of work done, also known as a workers’ compensation class codes
  • Claims history
A calculation you can use to estimate your workers’ comp costs in Arkansas is:
Workers’ class code rate X Claims Experience Modifier X (Payroll / $100) = Premium**
Remember, this formula can help you estimate your costs, but the best way to find out your coverage cost is to get a workers’ compensation insurance quote.

Workers’ Comp Insurance Arkansas Laws

The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Arkansas’ workers’ compensation laws.2 The Commission monitors workers’ comp claim and benefit payments throughout Arkansas.

Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Laws for Proof of Coverage

AR workers' compensationProof of coverage, also known as a certificate of insurance, proves your small business has coverage and includes important policy details. It’s important to get this document from your insurance carrier to show your customers and employees that you have workers’ compensation coverage.
You must also post instructions (Form P) in your workplace with details on:
  • Your insurance carrier
  • State laws
  • What to do if there’s an injury or illness
If you don’t have coverage, you may have to pay a penalty to the state. And if you fail to display the required instructions, you could lose some protection provided to you through workers’ comp coverage. To learn more about proof of coverage, get a workers’ comp quote  hoy mismo.

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Arkansas?

Arkansas workers' compAs an employer, it’s your responsibility to get workers’ compensation insurance and file claims. So, if a workplace injury or work-related illness happens, you need to file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Your coverage will help pay for your employees’ costs to treat injuries or illnesses that may occur. These benefits will only last for a certain period of time, which is determined by the severity of the injury or illness.

Filing a Claim for Workman’s Comp in Arkansas

If your employees get injured at work, they need to report the accident to you as soon as possible. To file a workers’ compensation claim, visit our workers’ comp claims page today.
1 Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission, “Arkansas Workers’ Compensation”
2 Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission, “Impairment Rating Guide”
** Experience mods are subject to state requirements and do not apply to every policy.
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