The Hartford Productivity AdvantageSM (THPA)

The Hartford Productivity Advantage: Harnessing the Power of Connectivity

Coordinated Service To Improve Claim Outcomes

When workers’ compensation, leave management and disability work together, everyone benefits.
The Hartford Productivity Advantage: Harnessing the Power of Connectivity

What Is The Hartford Productivity AdvantageSM?

The Hartford Productivity AdvantageSM (THPA) is a coordinated claims service and absence reporting solution for The Hartford’s workers’ compensation, leave management and disability customers.
What is THPA
Accommodation management is separate from ADA services, which are also provided by The Hartford.
We designed THPA to improve the claim process for employers and employees by:
  • Reducing the administrative burden on employers
  • Streamlining the employee claim experience
  • Providing data driven insights to produce better outcomes

Delivering a Suite of Solutions to Benefit Employers and Employees

THPA offers a comprehensive suite of solutions designed for employers to help take productivity to the next level.
The benefits THPA customers get include:
Automatic creation of corresponding leaves, which saves an employee time when calling in multiple claims for the same absence. This also helps protect the employer with improved compliance and leave tracking.
Seamless coordination of information across workers’ compensation and leave, saving the employee time and expediting the claim approval process.
Auto-initiation of short-term disability (STD) and long-term disability (LTD), making the process more efficient for the employee. This eliminates the need to set up a new disability claim and improves efficiency for decision making.
Holistic absence reporting, which includes:
  • An absence summary
  • Trending views by product
  • Individual employee claim inquiry views containing workers’ compensation lost time, disability and leave events

An Easier Claims Process With THPA

By coordinating claims services and combining absence reporting across workers’ compensation, leave management and disability, THPA makes the claims process easier – and faster. In fact, we've seen that employers spend 76% less time on individual claim coordination efforts with THPA.3

Claim Process Without THPA

Without THPA, the process is like a maze. It requires a high administrative burden, multiple steps and takes up valuable time. In fact, it can take up to an average of 55 minutes of the employer's time for a claim decision.4
Claim Process Without THPA

Claim Process With THPA

With THPA, we handle the claims process from start to finish after getting a workers' compensation claim, which means there's low administrative burden and it takes an average of 13 minutes of the employer's time for a claim decision.5
Claim Process With THPA
“We believe there is a significant advantage to ‘one-stop’ shopping. Being able to direct employees to one place for all life, disability and WC eases administration.”
– Mark, a THPA customer

Driving Better Outcomes

Accounts that have workers’ compensation, leave and disability with The Hartford experience 11% shorter STD durations and 10% lower medical severity than accounts without all of these products.
Companies that aren’t properly tracking employee leave are at risk for costly lawsuits and fines. In fact, we found that 71% of the time a workers’ compensation claim with three or more days of approved absence doesn’t have FMLA set up in coordination with the claim.1
According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the average cost to defend a FMLA lawsuit is regardless of the outcome. Employees who successfully sued for wrongful termination based on FMLA absence on average received at least
$87,500 – $450,000 in damages.2
With THPA, we automatically generate a leave when we see missed time from a workers’ compensation claim.
THPA Success Story 1

Reducing Compliance Risk by Auto Tracking Employee Leaves

Who: National Food Packaging Company
What: Prior to THPA, 100% of work-related employee leaves went undocumented. This put the employer at risk of costly lawsuits and fines.
Outcome: With THPA, only one workers’ compensation claim must be submitted for the leave to be created. Automatic creating of corresponding leaves improves compliance and tracking.
Customer Review: “The seamless coordination between the worker compensation side of the business with the benefits department has been overwhelmingly positive, saving time and energy while improving the communication with our employees.”
THPA Success Story 2

Driving Customer Value Through Increased Connectivity

Who: International Machine Manufacturing Company
What: A significant claim event, resulting in multiple injured workers.
Outcome: Leveraged THPA to ensure seamless claim coordination and to evaluate all possible benefit eligibility for injured workers. The connectivity helped remove the administrative burden for the employer and provided impacted employees with peace of mind during a difficult experience.
“The administrative burden that existed prior to the coordination of Worker’s Compensation and Leave Management has been greatly reduced. The leave process has become more efficient for Human Resources and our employees!”
– Susan, a THPA customer

A Coordinated Response if Tragedy Strikes

You never know when the unthinkable may happen. Whether it’s a mass shooting, a plane crash, a natural disaster or other catastrophic event, The Hartford's Critical Response Support can help navigate the difficult steps that lie ahead in the wake of a tragedy.
1 Based on The Hartford’s review of Workers’ Compensation lost time claims and corresponding FMLA compliance from 2018-2020.
2 Presagia, “How Well Do You Understand the Intricacies of FMLA Compliance?”
3, 4, 5 Time savings based on The Hartford’s claims process review from September 2021.
The Hartford Productivity Advantage services may not be available to all customers in every state. Reported results are based on Hartford’s past performance and not a guarantee of future results. Individual account results may vary from the average. 
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries, including the underwriting company Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company and Hartford Fire Insurance Company, under the brand name, The Hartford®, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s legal notice at