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What Is Equipment Breakdown Coverage?

What is equipment breakdown coverageEquipment breakdown coverage is a key seguro para pequeñas empresas coverage. It covers damages to your business’ property and equipment if there’s an unexpected breakdown. This coverage is a part of commercial property insurance, which you can get as a standalone policy or through a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP).
Equipment breakdown coverage can help protect your business’:
  • Mechanical systems
  • Computer systems
  • Electrodomésticos
  • Electrical systems
Let’s say your business experiences a mechanical breakdown on your generator during a storm. Your business loses power and because the generator isn’t working, you can’t operate. Equipment breakdown coverage can help cover the costs of replacing the generator at the actual cash value (ACV) or to repair the generator.
Equipment breakdown insurance is a coverage that many small business owners can benefit from. Get a quote today and get equipment breakdown coverage with the best business insurance for small business owners.

What Does Equipment Breakdown Cover?

Equipment breakdown insuranceFrom mechanical or electrical systems to appliances, equipment breakdown insurance helps cover different types of equipment in your business. It can help if you experience an unexpected breakdown with your business’:
  • Air conditioning, such as the unit not blowing cold air and cooling off your building
  • Phone system if you’re not able to send or receive calls
  • Elevators if they stop working correctly
  • Manufacturing equipment if it doesn’t turn on after a motor burnout
  • Electrical panels and circuit breakers that stop working after a power surge

What Is Not Covered by Equipment Breakdown Insurance?

Equipment breakdown insurance doesn’t cover every scenario where your business’ equipment stops working. For example, if your equipment breaks down from normal wear and tear, this isn’t covered.

Equipment Breakdown Coverage Examples

Equipment breakdown coverage examplesEquipment breakdown coverage helps protect your equipment if they stop working due to an internal issue, like a power surge or part failure. Here are some examples of equipment breakdown coverage:
  • The machines you use for your manufacturing business fail after a motor breaks and you can’t operate. Equipment breakdown coverage can help replace your lost income while the machines get fixed.
  • A power surge damages your tecnología company’s computer system. Equipment breakdown coverage can help pay to repair or replace any computers that got damaged.
  • The air conditioning unit in your food distribution warehouse stops working. You can’t operate your business until the air conditioning units get fixed to make sure food doesn’t spoil. Equipment breakdown coverage can help replace your lost business income.

How Does Equipment Breakdown Insurance Differ From Boiler and Machinery Insurance?

Think of equipment breakdown insurance as a broader, more modern version of boiler and machinery insurance. Instead of just applying to boilers, equipment breakdown coverage also helps protect other types of equipment and systems at your business, such as computer systems and electrical systems.

How Is Commercial Property Insurance Different From Equipment Breakdown Insurance?

Commercial property insurance helps protect your owned or rented building, tools and equipment from property damage caused by external factors. This includes:
  • Incendio
  • Storms
  • Burglary
  • Robo
What does equipment breakdown coverEquipment breakdown insurance is different. It helps protect your business’ equipment if it stops working due to internal issues. This can be due to a parts failure or user error.

Is Equipment Breakdown Coverage Right for My Business?

equipment breakdown coverageEquipment breakdown coverage can help many business owners. This insurance works like equipment breakdown coverage for homeowners. It helps protect your business’ equipment. And because of the broad coverage, it makes the cost worth it.
Without this coverage, you’d likely be responsible for the replacement cost or repair of:
  • Equipos
  • Electrodomésticos
  • Systems
We’re an experienced insurance company backed by more than 200 years of experience. Our specialists can work with you to get equipment breakdown insurance or any other types of coverage you may need. Obtenga una cita  hoy mismo.
Última actualización: 8 de agosto de 2022
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
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