Software & Web Developer Insurance

web developer insurance

Software & Web Developer Insurance Set Up for You

You’re great with computers, but do you know if you’re covered when something goes wrong? We’ve created web developer insurance coverages made especially for small businesses like yours. So, no matter what issue you’re solving or program you’re developing, you can count on our insurance for web developers to have your back.
web developer insurance

Computer Programming Insurance You Can Rely On

Whether you’re fixing software that’s failed or updating data into a system, you face unique risks as you work. We know computer programmers and web developers have to be patient while working at a fast pace, often dealing with unexpected issues that can be stressful for a small business. That’s why we’ve created insurance coverages to meet your industry needs. Our computer programming insurance serves as the seguro de negocio you can rely on to help protect you every day. We can also help you get a certificate of insurance.
computer programming insurance

Who Needs Developer Liability Insurance?

  • Software programmers
  • Freelance web developers
  • Application software programmers
  • Computer programming services
  • Computer software writers
  • Data systems consultants
  • IT project management firms
  • Technology consulting firms
  • Web design businesses

Why Is Freelance Web Developer Insurance Important?

If you don’t work for a company but have clients of your own, having freelance web developer insurance is crucial. Whether you work from home or travel to appointments, having the right computer programmer insurance can make all the difference for your small business.
Accidents and problems happen when you least expect them. But when they come, we’re here to help you through them. We understand the unique risks and challenges that small business owners face. That’s why we’ve created customizable business insurance coverages specific for web developers and computer programmers, like errors and omissions insurance for software developers. This coverage is also known as E&O insurance.
Freelance web developer insurance

Instant Download

Show your proof of insurance to clients any time they ask. We’ve made it easy to get yours whenever you need it.

What Web Developer Insurance Do I Need?

Many technology and software development businesses start with a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). This includes three essential coverages to help protect your business from claims of bodily injury or property damage. With a BOP, you’ll get:
General liability insurance to help cover claims that your business caused bodily injury or damaged someone else’s property. So, if you’re working at a client’s office and accidentally damage their property, this coverage can help pay the costs.
Commercial property insurance helps protect your building and equipment that you own or rent to run your business. This includes:
  • Computers
  • Software
  • Hard drives
  • Server stacks
  • Wires
Business income insurance to help replace your business’ lost income if you can’t operate because of covered property damage.
Cyber liability insurance to help pay for costs associated with preparing for, responding to and recovering from cyberattacks.
Fidelity bond coverage to help protect your business from errors, omissions and “breach of fiduciary duty” claims in managing and administering employee benefit plans.
We know not every company is the same, that’s why we offer customizable coverage for our small business owners. Get the kind of insurance coverages you need and add them to your BOP. We can help you create the policy that will fit your small business perfectly.

How Much Does Web Developer Insurance Cost?

Your web developer insurance cost will depend on factors like your:
  • Type of assets
  • Property owned
  • Number of employees
  • Size of payroll
  • Claims history
The best way to get insurance that’s right for your business is the compare quotes from multiple insurance companies. To get started, obtener una cotización from us today.

Protect Your Operations

Chances are, your small business handles sensitive information often, making you a big target for hackers. From data breaches to customer accidents, making sure you have the right web developer insurance is important in helping you respond to the unexpected.
Small businesses were responsible for $182 billion in legal costs in 2018.1
General liability insurance for software developers

Customer Complaint

“I fixed a computer for a new client. When I left, everything was running great. However, they called after the weekend claiming their desks and conference rooms were scratched, and that our business was at fault.”
General liability helps protect from third-party bodily injury and property damage claims.
Professional liability insurance for web developers

Stolen Wiring

“We had two large spools of wiring delivered to our client’s office for their internet installation. When we arrived on the install date, the spools were gone. Turns out they got stolen out of the lobby.”
Installation coverage helps protect materials and supplies that will become a permanent part of a building or structure, providing an actual cash value (ACV), which includes the cost of labor and material already installed.

Proteja su propiedad

Generally, the main focus for web developers and computer programmers is to fix other people’s property, but having the right protection for the business you’ve worked so hard to build is equally important. Many small businesses don’t have the insurance coverages they need to recover when an accident or natural disaster happens. With us, you can get web developer insurance that you can depend on if the unexpected strikes.
In 2019, fires at non-residential properties, like businesses, caused over $200 million in property damage.2
Insurance for software developers

Equipment Damage

“I was delivering some equipment to install at a client’s business. When I opened my trunk, a few of my tools fell out and broke, so I had to order replacements for two of them.”
Contractor’s tools coverage helps protect tools that cost $500 or less from damages, even if they’re in transit.
Errors and omissions insurance for software developers

Client Lawsuit

“We worked with a client to help build a new website and app for their store. When they launched the app, there were a few bugs reported by their customers. The client sued our business because they lost money and they blamed our app.”
Our Failsafe Technology Errors or Omissions coverage can help your business if it’s sued for the computer programming services given to a customer. Also known as technology professional liability insurance, this coverage can help pay legal costs and settlements or judgments.

Protect Your Team

It takes a lot of hard work to be a small business owner, and one of your main responsibilities is taking care of the team you employ. From repetitive stress injuries to unexpected accidents, your employees face risks every day while they work. With computer programming insurance coverage, you can help employees recover from a work-related injury or illness.
Ergonomic disorders account for 56% of illnesses reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.3
Software developer liability insurance

Employee Injuries

“Our developer was trying to finish a big coding project for our client. After a few months of work, he noticed some pain his in wrist and arms. When he went to urgent care, they diagnosed him with carpal tunnel.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from work-related injuries or illnesses. Most states require businesses with employees to carry this coverage.
Insurance for software developers

Employee Accident

“One of our computer programmers was on the way to an appointment when she got into a car accident. She damaged the other car and the driver sued our business for the repairs.”
Commercial auto insurance can help protect you and your employees on the road if you drive for business, helping pay for medical expenses or property damage.

Web Developer Insurance That Works for You

We’re an experienced insurance company that’s helped over 1 million small business owners throughout the country. We’re here to figure out what you need and will work with you to find the right insurance coverages for your business. We’ll even create a customized policy that fits your web developer business best.
Find out more about other technology professions we insure:
Insurance web developer

Dependable Insurance for Web Developers

Get the protection you need to help keep your small business running smoothly and successfully.

For Larger Firms

Larger tech computer, software, web and IT firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
1 U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, “New Study: Lawsuit System Costs Small Businesses $182 Billion”
2 National Fire Protection Association, “Fire Loss in the United States During 2019”
3 Orthopedic Center of Arlington, “11 Astounding Carpal Tunnel Statistics”
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.