Retail Insurance

retail insurance

Retail Insurance Worth Buying

Whether you run a clothing boutique, antique shop or gift store, we know you work hard each day. We also know the risks you face. That’s why we offer insurance coverages that can help keep you and your employees safe on-the-job.
retail insurance
Business insurance for retailers

Why Is Business Insurance for Retailers Important?

Running a retail business can be stressful. We know you face risks every day – from customer slip and falls to employee accidents.
That’s why we offer seguro de negocio you can customize to fit your needs.
Commercial retail insurance

Who Needs Commercial Retail Insurance?

Our retail insurance can help protect small businesses like:
Retail insurance cost

How Much Does Retail Insurance Cost?

There are many factors that determine how much your insurance costs, like your:
  • Industria
  • Type of assets
  • Property owned
  • Number of employees
  • Size of payroll
  • Claims history

What’s the Best Business Policy for Retail Stores?

If you’re looking for business insurance coverage, one of the best places to start is with a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). This combines key coverages into one convenient policy, including:
You can then add additional coverage options, like professional liability insurance or data breach coverage. Bundling these coverages can help you save money.

Taking Care of Your Retail Team

You rely on your retail workers to keep your business running successfully. Whether they’re helping customers, restocking shelves or organizing merchandise, we know you want to keep them protected. Our retail insurance can help keep your team covered on the job.
More than 31% of work-related injuries are from overexertion or bodily reactions.1
Retail coverage

Employee Injury

“One of my employees was carrying a box of new books to put on display. When she put the box down, she felt a pop in her back. She needed physical therapy to help it heal.”
Workers’ compensation insurance helps provide benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. This can help pay for their:
  • Atención médica
  • Lost wages if they need time off work to recover
  • Disability benefits
Retail inventory insurance

Harassment Claim

“We hired a few cashiers for the holiday season. One of them quit after the first day, claiming my store manager inappropriately touched her.”
Employment Practices Liability (EPL) provides coverage if your business is sued by an employee, patron or vendor alleging discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful termination or other types of claims relating to your employment practices.

Protecting Your Retail Store’s Property

You’ve invested a lot to get your retail business up and running. From the space your customers shop to the equipment you rely on, you want to make sure you protect your business with an insurance company you know has your back. We offer small business insurance made especially for retail stores like yours.
In recent years, burglary and theft has impacted 20% of small businesses.2
Retail insurance products

Daños a la propiedad

“I received a call early one morning from the fire department. There was a car accident and one of the cars smashed right through our storefront.”
Commercial property insurance can protect your business and its physical assets, helping pay for repairs or replacement costs if a fire, theft or other covered events damage your property.
Retail insurance rates

Employee Car Accident

“As a small gift shop, we offer in town delivery. During a busy Mother’s Day weekend when I was out delivering gifts, someone rear-ended me, knocking off my bumper.”
Commercial auto insurance can help pay the costs of an auto accident if you or your employee is a fault. It can help pay for property damages, medical expenses and legal fees.

Covering Your Retail Store Operations

You’ve worked hard building your small business. Unfortunately, it can all come crashing down if you don’t have the right protections in place. With electronic transactions and digital payments becoming more and more popular, having insurance coverage that can protect your retail business from hackers or data breaches is crucial.
Small businesses have seen a 20% increase in cyberattacks in recent years.3
Retailers casualty insurance

System Virus

“Our retail business keeps customer email addresses and payment info on file. After forgetting to update our virus software, we were infected with a bug that erased all of that stored information.”
Interruption of Computer Operations can help pay for the loss of business income or necessary extra expense resulting from the damage or loss of electronic data that’s been destroyed, corrupted or made inaccessible by a virus.
Retail business insurance companies

Customer Injury

“One of my employees accidentally left a step ladder out in one of our aisles. A customer ended up tripping over it and spraining his ankle, requiring a trip to the hospital.”
General liability insurance can help cover claims of bodily injury or property damage. It can help cover a customer’s medical expenses if they slip and fall at your business.
retail store liability insurance

Ready-Made Retail Insurance for Your Small Business

We’ve created insurance coverages made to protect your retail business from the risks you face. Small business owners like you have relied on us for over 200 years. We’re ready to help you get the retail insurance you need.

For Larger Firms

Larger retail firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
1 National Safety Council (NSC), “Top Work-Related Injury Causes.”
2 The Hartford, “The Hartford Reports: More Than 40 Percent of Small Businesses Will Experience A Claim in the Next 10 Years.”
3 Keeper, “2019 Global State of Cybersecurity in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses.”
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.