Insurance for Dentists

Insurance for Dentists

Dental Office Insurance You Can Depend On

You love to keep your customers smiling. And so do we. We offer small business insurance for dentists so you can make sure your dental practice and your patients are protected.
Insurance for Dentists

Customized Dental Practice Insurance

From taking care of patients to handling sensitive records, your dental practice faces unique risks. That’s in addition to the common risks your office faces, like property damage and bodily injury. That’s why dental business insurance is an essential part to your risk management plan. Seguro para negocios can help protect your office so you can focus on providing superb dental care.
Dental office business insurance

Who Needs Dental Office Insurance?

  • General dentists
  • Dental hygienists
  • Pedodontists
  • Periodontists
  • Endodontists
  • Oral surgeons
  • Orthodontists
  • Prosthodontists

Common Coverages for Dental Professionals

Many dental offices start with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) as their foundation for small business insurance protection. A BOP combines three essential types of coverage into one policy:
General liability insurance helps protect you from claims that your dental office caused bodily injury or property damage to others.
Commercial property insurance, which is also known as business property insurance, helps protect your owned or rented office, tools, equipment and inventory. This includes:
  • Patient chairs
  • Dental lights
  • Sterilization equipment
  • Tools
  • Instruments
Business income insurance helps replace your lost income if you can’t operate your dental practice because of covered property loss.

How Much Does Dental Office Insurance Cost?

On average, our BOP customers paid an annual premium of $1,019, or about $85 a month.1 But dental office insurance costs can vary because insurance companies use different factors to determine costs. Esto puede incluir:
  • Lugar
  • Number of employees
  • Policy details, like coverage limits and deductibles
The best way to find out your dental insurance cost is to obtener una cotización.
cost of dental business insurance

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We know your time is valuable. Get your proof of insurance instantly online.
liability insurance for counselors

Business Insurance for Dentists – Specialized for You

With dental office insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing you have coverage to help protect you from different risks. Watch this customer testimonial about the importance of dental office business insurance.

What Type of Insurance Do Dentists Need?

Dental offices have different needs, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to insurance protection. When you’re getting insurance coverage, you need to think about your:
  • Dental team
  • Dental office operations
  • Dental office property
We offer various types of insurance that can provide well-rounded protection for your dental office.

Covering Your Dental Office Team

From working with sharp tools to being on the move around the office, we know your employees face different risks that can result in an injury. With the right dental office insurance, you can help protect them.
There were 9,200 nonfatal injuries and illnesses in dental offices in 2020.2

Needlestick Accident

Insurance for dentists
“One of my dentists was giving a Novocaine shot to her patient. When she was putting the needle back on the tray, she accidentally stuck herself. We had to get blood work done for both my dentist and her patient.”
Workers’ compensation insurance helps protect your dental office staff if they get a work-related injury or illness. We offer many benefits, including a needlestick reimbursement program that helps pay for the initial testing and other out-of-pocket costs of your employee and their patient.

Legal Costs

Dental office insurance
“One of our dentists had to appear before a review board because of an issue they had with a patient. The board was deciding on disciplinary actions, so he needed to hire an attorney to represent him.”
We offer endorsements you can add to your policy to help customize your coverage. For example, Reimbursement of Legal Expenses coverage can help pay your employees’ legal costs if they have to appear before a court or review board.

Covering Your Dental Office's Operations

We understand running a dental office takes hard work. If something happened that prevented you from running your business, it could impact your finances and success. That’s why dental office insurance can help protect you if the unexpected happens.
40% of small businesses will face a liability or property claim in the next 10 years.3

Contaminated Water

Business insurance for dentists
“A chemical spill near our offices contaminated the water supply so we couldn’t use it to clean our patients’ teeth. We ended up closing until the water was re-tested and came back clean.”
Business income insurance for drinkable water can help cover your dental office’s lost income if you have to close because of contaminated water.

Discrimination Lawsuits

Dental practice insurance
“We decided not to renew a contract with a dentist who was an independent contractor at our office. She ended up suing our dental practice for discrimination.”
Nuestra página employment practices liability insurance coverage helps protect your business if an employee or independent contractor sues your business for discrimination or harassment.

Covering Your Dental Office's Property

It’s important to protect the property you use to run your dental office. This goes beyond the equipment and tools you and your team rely on, and includes the sensitive and confidential patient information and the system used to store these valuable records. Dental office business insurance can help protect your business from facing financial risks if something happens to your property.
In 2021, there was an average of 1.95 health care data breaches of 500 or more records reported each year.4

Lost Records

Dental office business insurance
“A water pipe burst in the room where we keep our patient records and files. Some of the documents got damaged and we needed to have them recreated.”
We offer valuable papers and records coverage which can help you if your patients’ files or records go missing or get damaged due to a covered loss, like a burglary.

Daños a la propiedad

Dental practice business insurance
“A fire broke out in our building and ended up causing major damage to my business and equipment.”
Commercial property insurance can help cover your repair costs to fix damage to your dental office’s physical building and the tools used for your business. Our business income coverage options can also help replace your office’s lost income if you can’t open while repairs get made.

Dental Practice Insurance You Can Trust

When it comes to helping protect your dental office from different risks, you need an insurance company you can rely on. With over 200 years of experience, we’ve helped over 1 million small business owners like you. We know every company is unique and we understand the risks your dental office faces. Our specialists are here to help get you the right coverage and answer any questions you have.
Find out more about other science and medical professions we insure:
insurance options for dentist

Dental Office Insurance That Has Your Back

Get the protection you need so you can successfully run your dental office.
Last Updated: November 15, 2023
1 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Numbers of Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses by Industry and Case Types, 2020”
3 Based on an analysis of five years of claims data (2010-2014) from more than 1 million Hartford Business Owner’s Policies.
4 HIPAA Journal, “Health Care Data Breach Statistics”
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
The Hartford no será responsable de ningún daño relacionado con el uso de la información proporcionada en esta página. Consulte con su agente/corredor de seguros o compañía de seguros para determinar las necesidades específicas de cobertura, ya que el contenido publicado aquí se ofrece con fines informativos solamente.
La información contenida en esta página no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento legal, de Recursos Humanos, financiero o de seguros específico, y no es una garantía de cobertura. En el caso de una pérdida o reclamación, las determinaciones de cobertura estarán sujetas al lenguaje de la póliza, y cualquier pago de reclamación posible se determinará luego de que se investigue la reclamación.
Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.