Non-Residential Building Insurance Policy

building insurance

Building Insurance for Business Owners Like You

You have enough on your plate – from making sure your properties are taken care of to maintaining your real estate. We’re here to help make your life a little easier, offering building insurance coverage made for business owners like you. Get the kind of coverage you can customize to fit your needs and protect your business.
building insurance

Why Do Non-Residential Building Operation Firms Need Business Insurance?

Business insurance is essential for protecting your company from risk. It can help with covering losses from events, like fires or accidents. It can also help pay for lost income if you have to shut down temporarily and tenants are not able to rent out your buildings.
Building operation firms also work with and store important paperwork that business insurance can help cover, like lease agreements.
Building insurance services

Who Needs Building Insurance Services?

You’ll need non-residential building operation insurance if you rent or lease out buildings for commercial use. For example, if you rent out office space, you’ll want this coverage.

Non-Residential Building Insurance: What Does It Cover?

Small business owners often choose our Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). This helps cover your building operations business the same way a homeowners policy protects your home and possessions.
A BOP combines three essential coverages into one policy, helping you save on insurance costs while protecting your firm.

Póliza para propietarios de empresas

Your BOP can help protect your business with:
  • General liability insurance, which helps cover bodily injury or property damage claims. This includes a tenant tripping down the stairs in your office or an employee causing accidental damage while making repairs to fixtures and fittings. 
  • Commercial property insurance helps protect your physical location and your equipment such as computers, filing cabinets and furniture. So, if a fire damages your business, this insurance can help cover your replacement costs and rebuild expenses. Equipment and building coverage applies whether you own or lease your business’ property.
  • Business income insurance, also known as business interruption insurance, helps replace your lost income if you can’t run your building operation business due to a covered loss.
Building insurance cost

How Much Does Building Insurance Cost?

Some factors that impact your commercial property insurance rates include your:
  • Industria
  • Type of assets
  • Property owned
  • Number of employees
  • Size of payroll
  • Claims history

What Building Insurance Do I Need?

Small business owners with a BOP policy can easily add coverages to address other risks. To customize your insurance plan, you can add coverages like:
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Data breach insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance

Covering Your Building Operations Property

Chances are, you have your plate full as a property owner. Owning buildings and rental properties means managing and overseeing many different tasks. No matter what business property you own or how many buildings you rent, we’ve created insurance coverages to protect your business.
In 2019, local fire departments responded to 1,291,500 fires, which caused $14.8 billion in property damage.1
What building insurance do I need

Fire Damage

“One of my tenants is a computer repair shop. They had an electrical fire that started from an old system. Before it could be put out, it caused thousands in damage to my building.”
Commercial property insurance can help protect your physical assets like your:
  • Commercial buildings
  • Equipos
  • Tools
  • Inventario
  • Muebles
  • Personal property
What is building coverage insurance

Office Damage

“When a thief broke into our main office, they damaged the windows and stole our office equipment. We had to shut down for a few days until the repairs were finished.”
Business income insurance can help replace lost income if you have to shut down due to:
  • Incendio
  • Robo
  • Wind damage

Taking Care of Your Non-Residential Building Team

Owning commercial buildings and business property means you need a team to keep your day-to-day operations running smoothly. Your employees help ensure your tenants stay happy and your business stays successful. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have the right business insurance coverages to keep them protected on the job.
27% of nonfatal work injuries resulted in days away from work in 2018.2
Building insurance questions

Employee Injury

“Our assistant property manager processes new tenants and collects rent payments each month. Obviously this involves a lot of typing. Recently, she found out that she has carpal tunnel syndrome. She now goes to physical therapy.”
Workers’ compensation insurance helps pay for your injured or ill employees’:
  • Atención médica
  • Lost wages
  • Disability benefits
  • Ongoing care costs
Property building insurance

Employee Lawsuit

“We hired a new leasing assistant. She only worked for us a month before she quit. We found out shortly after why she left. I received a letter from her lawyer claiming our maintenance manager was harassing her.”
Employment practices liability helps pay for defense costs and settlements or judgments if you’re sued by an employee alleging a wrongful act related to your employment practices.

Covering Your Building Operations

No matter how hard you try to prevent them, natural disasters can come at any time. When they do, they can wreak havoc for small business owners. If your business property is severely impacted by a storm, that can result in huge revenue loss. Whether you have to shut down temporarily from fires, natural disasters or other accidents, having the right building insurance can make all the difference.
30% of small business claims are as a result of weather damage.3
Building insurance what does it cover

Weather Damage

“After an ice storm hit, we had multiple pipes burst in an office building that we rent out. It caused some water damage and we had to pay to temporarily rehouse our tenants.”
Lessor’s Tenant Move Back Expense coverage can help pay to move your tenant back into your building after a covered loss. This coverage applies when your tenant has to temporarily leave the leased building because of a covered loss.
Building insurance quote

Tenant Lease Cancellation

“We leased a building we own to a bakery, but after a kitchen fire caused damages that needed time for repairs, they canceled their lease with us.”
Lessor’s Lease Cancellation coverage can help pay you the income you can’t collect when a tenant cancels after a covered loss.
Commercial building insurance

Get a Building Insurance Quote From The Hartford Today

Keep your building operation firm covered with insurance you can count on.

For Larger Firms

Larger real estate firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.