Seguro integral

Descubra los descuentos y beneficios con el Programa de Seguros para automóviles de AARP de The Hartford.

What Is Comprehensive Insurance?

comprehensive insuranceComprehensive insurance coverage, also known as “other than collision” coverage, is a seguro para autos coverage that can help pay the costs of damage to your car for non-collision related claims. For example, it can help pay for damages caused by hail, theft, fire or hitting an animal.
It’s important to keep in mind that this coverage is optional. You have to add it on top of other coverages you may have, like liability insurance. But, if you’re financing or leasing your car, your lender will likely require it.
Most drivers benefit from this coverage, and you can learn more by getting a quote from the AARP® Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford1 today.

¿Qué cubre el seguro integral?

what does comprehensive insurance coverYour comprehensive insurance pays for damage caused by:
  • Natural disasters, like hurricanes or tornados
  • Vandalismo
  • Robo
  • Incendio
  • Falling objects
  • A civil disturbance, like a riot
  • Hitting an animal, like if you hit a deer
  • Glass damage
Your comprehensive car insurance policy will not help cover:
  • Damage to your car from a collision
  • Medical expenses
  • Legal fees
  • Lost income for you or your passengers if you miss work after an accident
  • Damage to another person’s car from a collision
  • Property stolen from your car

Comprehensive Car Insurance Deductibles and Limits

comprehensive car insuranceYour deductible is the amount you pay on your claim before your auto coverage kicks in. Once you pay that, your car insurance will cover the rest of your costs, up to your limit.
Let’s say your car is damaged and will cost $6,000 to repair, and your deductible is $1,000. You’ll only pay out of pocket for the $1,000 deductible, and then your insurance company will pay the other $5,000 on your comprehensive claim. When you buy comprehensive insurance, you’ll choose a deductible amount. 

How Much Does Comprehensive Insurance Cost?

According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average car insurance cost per year for comprehensive car insurance in the U.S. was about $170 in 2018, which is the most recent year that data is available.2 Comprehensive car insurance rates can vary and some factors that influence the cost are your:
  • Historial de manejo
  • Car’s model and age
  • Monto deducible
If you plan to buy comprehensive auto insurance coverage, selecting a higher deductible can help lower the cost of your premium. However, it also means you’ll have to pay more out-of-pocket if you have an accident. In most cases, you’ll want to base your deductible choice on your car’s actual cash value (ACV).
For damaged cars, our comprehensive insurance coverage will help pay an amount up to your ACV to either repair or replace it. If the cost of repairs exceeds your car’s ACV, it’s totaled. In this case, we’ll pay the sum of its ACV to you to help replace it. When deciding how much car insurance you need, it’s important to think about the ACV of your vehicle.
To learn more, get a cotización de seguro para autos for comprehensive coverage today.

Who Needs Comprehensive Coverage?

comprehensive coverageDrivers across the country can benefit from comprehensive car insurance. This optional coverage is especially helpful if you live in an area with a lot of theft, vandalism or natural disasters. For instance, if you live on the Florida coast or in an area with wildfires, this coverage can help protect your car from the costs of non-collision damage.
Questions you can ask yourself to see if you need this coverage are:
  • Does your car lender require comprehensive coverage? If you lease or finance, chances are they do, and you won’t be able to get your car without it.
  • How much is your car worth? If it’s less than what you’d pay for your insurance premium, this coverage may not be worth it.
  • Do you live in a heavily populated area? Cities and towns with higher populations can also have more crime that you may want protection from.

What Is the Difference Between Comprehensive and Collision Insurance?

It’s easy to mix up comprehensive and collision insurance. This is because both coverages protect your car. However, they cover different things.
Collision insurance helps cover car accidents, while comprehensive coverage is more of a physical damage insurance. It helps pay for damages that are outside of your control. So, if a natural disaster or animal damages your car, this coverage can help pay to repair it.

What’s Covered Under Your Collision and Comprehensive Insurance?

what does comprehensive auto insurance cover
what does comprehensive car insurance cover what is the difference between comprehensive and collision insurance

It's easy to mix up collision and comprehensive insurance because they both protect your car. The difference is that each coverage helps pay for damages caused by different events:

What's covered?

What's Covered?

Seguro integral

Natural disasters
Falling objects
Civil disturbances like riots
Hitting an animal
Glass damage

Seguro contra colisión

An accident with another car
Single-car collisions like a rollover
Someone crashing into your parked car
An accident in a car you’ve rented
A collision with another object like a mailbox
What's not covered?
What's not Covered?

Seguro integral

Damage from a collision
Medical expenses
Legal fees
Property stolen from your car
Lost income to you or your passengers after an accident

Seguro contra colisión

Injuries to other drivers in an accident
Vandalism or theft
Accidents with animals
Losses other than auto damage from a collision
To learn more about car insurance, get a quote from us today.

You can learn more and purchase comprehensive and collision coverage from the Seguro de autos AARP Program from The Hartford today. Our representatives can walk you through all our auto insurance coverage types.

Get a Quote for Comprehensive Auto Insurance

comprehensive auto insuranceYour auto insurance not only protects your car, but your loved ones, too. Luckily, it’s easy to get a cotización de seguro para autos from The Hartford. Get yours today or call 888-546-9099 to speak with a representative who can answer any questions you may have.
Última actualización: 22 de septiembre de 2023
2 Insurance Information Institute, “Facts + Statistics: Auto insurance”
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
Los resúmenes de las coberturas y las características de las pólizas son únicamente para fines informativos. En caso de que se produzca una pérdida, los términos y condiciones reales establecidos en su póliza determinarán su cobertura.
AARP y sus afiliadas no son aseguradoras. Endoso pagado. The Hartford paga regalías a AARP por el uso de su propiedad intelectual. Estos cargos se utilizan para los fines generales de AARP. En la mayoría de los estados, es necesario ser miembro de AARP para ser elegible para participar en el Programa.
El programa de seguros para automóviles de AARP de The Hartford está respaldado por Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Está avalado en AZ, MI y MN por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast; en CA por Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company; en WA por Hartford Casualty Insurance Company; en MA por Trumbull Insurance Company; y en PA por Nutmeg Insurance Company y Twin City Fire Insurance Company. El programa de seguros para viviendas de AARP de he Hartford está respaldado por Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Está subscrito en AZ, MI y MN por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast; en CA por Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartford; en WA por Trumbull Insurance Company; en MA por Trumbull Insurance Company, Sentinel Insurance Company, Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest, y Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company; y en PA por Nutmeg Insurance Company. El producto para viviendas no está disponible en todas las áreas, entre las que se incluye el estado de Florida. Los ahorros, los beneficios y las coberturas disponibles pueden variar y es posible que algunos solicitantes no sean elegibles. El programa no está actualmente disponible en Canadá, ni en los territorios o posesiones de Estados Unidos.
1 En Texas, el programa para automóviles está respaldado por Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company a través de Hartford of the Southeast General Agency, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company y sus afiliados no son responsables financieramente por los productos de seguros suscritos y emitidos por Redpoint County Mutual Insurance Company. El programa para viviendas está respaldado por Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.