Construction Innovation

Innovation in Action

Our goal is to help keep your business and employees safe. That’s why we partner with top tier vendors to provide imagery, water, telematics and wearables to reduce the potential of an emergency.


When worn on the body, connected devices help collect and provide data that improves worker safety. Our vendors help gather information that can be used to coach, alert or direct intervention to reduce the overall risk of injury.
  • MākuSafe


With telematics, you can gather real-time driver performance data through wireless transmission. GPS, video and imagery monitoring, and on-board diagnostics help monitor cars, trucks, equipment and other assets in your fleet. We partner with a range of market-leading telematics vendors and will work with you to choose the one that best fits your needs.
  • Telematics – variety


Water sensors help reduce unexpected losses from water damage on your property. From non-invasive options, like pucks or mats, to inline plumbing, these vendors can help find a solution that fits the needs of your business.
  • Water – variety

Crane Innovation

We work with industry-leading vendors to provide a non-intrusive solution for collecting valuable job site production data that can help demobilize cranes earlier, avoid unnecessary overtime, and track and measure site productivity to get the most out of each and every crane pick.
  • Versatile


From hazard identification software to managed security systems, our imagery vendors keep your business safe so you can focus on the end product.
  • Arrowsight
  • TrueMotion Powered by TuMeke
  • Onsite IQ
  • Kastle Security Systems


From industry training classes to industrial hygiene devices and safety practices, our partners help train and retain your employees. These resources can keep your employees up to date on the latest rules and regulations, keeping them safe on the job.
  • SambaSafety
  • UL Solutions - PureSafety
  • REO Industrial Hygiene Lab
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.