Aviso legal

Por favor, lea atentamente los siguientes avisos legales. Al utilizar este sitio web usted acepta los términos y condiciones que se establecen a continuación. Dichos términos y condiciones pueden cambiarse o actualizarse en cualquier momento. Usted es responsable de revisarlos periódicamente para recibir información actualizada. Additional legal notices regarding specific products, services, as well as conditions, restrictions or disclosures may be described on additional websites of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ("The Hartford") is a financial holding company for a group of insurance and non-insurance subsidiaries (collectively referred to as "subsidiaries") that provide property and casualty insurance, group benefits insurance and services, and mutual funds and exchange-traded products to both individual and business customers in the United States, as well as in the United Kingdom, continental Europe and other international locations, and continues to administer life and annuity products previously sold.

Marcas /derechos de autor

The Hartford,® the Stag logo, and combinations of the foregoing and all other trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and icons, registered or not, are the property of Hartford Fire Insurance Company and certain subsidiaries of The Hartford, or third parties which may be indicated. Other materials, including video, sound recordings, and images, on this web site are a copyright of or proprietary to The Hartford or are used with the consent of the owner.

The contents of this site are protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws of the U.S. or, in some instances, foreign laws. El uso no autorizado puede constituir una violación a las leyes de derechos de autor, marcas y otras leyes.

Usted puede copiar o imprimir material de The Hardfort desde este sitio limitado únicamente para su uso personal, sin fines comerciales, a menos que se indique lo contrario. Deberá conservar todos los avisos de propiedad y derechos de autor. No debe copiar, transmitir, distribuir, modificar, exhibir públicamente, reutilizar, vender o exhibir ninguno de los contenidos de este sitio web con fines públicos o comerciales, excepto con previo consentimiento por escrito de The Hartford o los propietarios del material. No deberá utilizar dichos contenidos en ningún otro sitio web o en una red de computadoras.


Links from this site to an external site, unaffiliated with The Hartford, may be provided for users' convenience only. The Hartford no controla o revisa estos sitios. La provisiòn de cualquiera de estos enlaces no implica la aprobación o asociación de The Hartford con dichos sitios. The Hartford no es responsable y no ejerce ningún tipo de representación o garantía relacionadas con los contenidos, integridad, precisión o seguridad de cualquier material publicado en dichos sitios. Si usted decide ingresar a sitios que no pertenezcan a The Hartford, lo hace bajo su propia responsabilidad.

Renuncia de Responsabilidad

Los materiales y servicios de este sitio se brindan en las condiciones en las que se encuentran y únicamente con fines informativos. The Hartford y sus licenciatarios no representan o garantizan que los materiales publicados sean apropiados para sus necesidades, se encuentren completos, actualizados o sean confiables o se encuentren libres de errores tipográficos e imprecisiones.

The Hartford y sus licenciatarios renuncian a todas las garantías, expresas o implícitas, incluyendo, pero sin limitarse a, las garantías implícitas de comercialización o idoneidad para un fin determinado y de no violación de los derechos ajenos. The Hartford does not warrant that the web site will operate error free or is free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other destructive or harmful code. The Hartford no representa ni garantiza que los productos o servicios se encuentran disponibles en todas las ubicaciones.

Limitación de responsabilidad

En ningún caso, The Hartford o sus licenciatarios serán responsables ante usted por los daños de cualquier índole que pudieran serle ocasionados, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a daños directos, indirectos, emergentes, especiales o accesorios, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a pérdidas de ganancias o daños emergentes de la pérdida de datos, interrupción de operaciones comerciales, o daños punitivos de cualquier índole que pudieran resultar del uso o la incapacidad de usted de usar este sitio o los materiales o servicios que aquí se brindan o los productos o servicios que aquí se reciben. Puede que la excención de las garantías implícitas no sea válida en todas las jurisdicciones.

Leyes aplicables/Independencia de las condiciones

Este sitio y este Acuerdo son gobernados por las leyes del estado de Connecticut sin dar lugar a cualquier principio de conflicto de regulación legislativa. Si alguna de las condiciones de este Acuerdo resultase invalidada o inaplicable, la validez y legalidad de las condiciones restantes no se verán afectadas o anuladas de por la misma. Usted está de acuerdo en que toda disputa entre usted y The Hartford que surgiera del uso de este sitio web será dirimida exclusivamente en las cortes federales y estatales bajo la jurisdicción y competencia del estado de Connecticut.

Important Information For Minnesota Automobile Customers

To access detailed information explaining our pricing for accidents and violations as required by Minnesota law. Please note this notice applies only to our newest plans where accidents and violations are considered for five years, regardless of which writing company issues the policy. Our representatives can help you understand how this change impacts your Minnesota policy.

Insurance Company Information

You are provided with the following information in compliance with state insurance laws requiring disclosure of the states where an insurer is authorized to transact insurance business, in addition to information regarding the insurance company’s state of domicile, NAIC code number, and principal place of business. The listing of an insurance company in this notice shall not constitute a representation or guaranty that coverage will be provided by The Hartford or any of its subsidiaries. In addition, any listing herein does not represent nor guaranty that The Hartford or any of its subsidiaries are authorized to offer all types of insurance products or coverage in all states. Insurance coverage may not be available or approved for sale in all states or outside the United States.

The following insurance companies are directly or indirectly, wholly-owned subsidiaries of The Hartford.


As of December 31, 2023

First State Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 21822 All States (except Arkansas and Ohio) and the District of Columbia
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 22357 All States and the District of Columbia
Hartford Casualty Insurance Company 201 North Illinois Street
16th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3250
Indiana 29424 All States and the District of Columbia
Hartford Fire Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 19682 All States and the District of Columbia, Canada, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Republic of the Marshall Islands and U.S. Virgin Islands
Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois
1415 West Diehl Road
Suite 405
Naperville, IL 60563
Illinois 38288 Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and the District of Columbia
Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest 201 North Illinois Street
16th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3250
Indiana 37478 All States and the District of Columbia
Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 38261 Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and the District of Columbia
Hartford Lloyd's Insurance Company 19450 Texas State Highway 249
Houston, TX 77070
Texas 38253 Texas
Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 30104 All States and the District of Columbia
Maxum Casualty Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 10784 All States and the District of Columbia
Maxum Indemnity Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 26743 All States and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
Navigators Insurance Company One Penn Plaza, 50th Floor
New York, NY 10119
Nueva York 42307 All States and the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands
Navigators Specialty Insurance Company One Penn Plaza, 50th Floor
New York, NY 10119
Nueva York 36056 Nueva York
New England Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 21830 All States (except California) and the District of Columbia
Nutmeg Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 39608 All States (except California and New York)
Pacific Insurance Company, Limited One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 10046 Connecticut and Hawaii
Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartford 201 North Illinois Street
16th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3250
Indiana 34690 All States (except Hawaii) and the District of Columbia
Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd. One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 11000 All States and the District of Columbia
Trumbull Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 27120 All States (except Hawaii) and the District of Columbia
Twin City Fire Insurance Company 201 North Illinois Street
16th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3250
Indiana 29459 All States and the District of Columbia

As of December 31, 2023

Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155
Connecticut 70815 All States and the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands
* Address in state of domicile.